how old are you? whaaat??


Well-Known Member
have you ever known or found out someones age thinking they were 10-20 years older or younger then they actually were.. ? im 23 and look 17
i'm 20 but have looked like i was 25 since i was 17.
probably because i hit 6'3" when i was in 6th grade.
i use to be younger looking when i was in my 20s i thought it was a pain in the ass to be carded every time i bought beer but now that i`m in my 40s i never get carded maybe its because of all the gray whiskers in my beard
i am 29 and have looked like it since i was in the 4th grade.

i have had a gnarly beard since 15 and been 6'4 since the 5th grade
If I shave I look really young.

If I have stubble or a beard I look older.

I have been told I look 20 years younger when I shave my beard.
why is everyone hatin on the 20 yo. last i checked there are 18 yos in high school and 17, which is a 3 year difference. thats not bad as long as the girl inst 16 or less
When I was 17 everyone thought I was in my late twenties or early thirties. i could buy beer anywhere and drink in most any bar in town. Now i'm in my early thirties and I look Like im in my early thirties.
im 19 and i always get carded for cigs and blunts. one time the guy said i have a baby face or something. i am 6'3" tho so hieght doesnt matter. I guess its good to look young or not.
Checkout my baby pictures! Made me look much older than I really was lol
i had a professor for 2 straight semesters who swore up and down i looked like i was in my 30s. most people I meet think I am a lot older than I look, but when it comes to either buying tobacco or lottery, I always get the ID check lmao.