how old are the people in here ?


Well-Known Member
2 3 here

i have a lot to learn from the older generation of bud smokers, not a hater of age, cool people are every age!

okay now everybody take a hit for every year you've been alive!!!
Damn, that's a death sentence for some of




Well-Known Member
Does anyone else read the thread title in an admonishing womans voice with the emphasis on sarcasm and she does an eye roll at the end.

edit: hsf, enjoy your youth! It really can be a great time. Don't get so screwed up you forget it all!
Spent the last 5 years battling depression, anxiety and agoraphobia. I think my "youth" was screwed from the start, unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
22 years young. Been growing since i was 8 years old, after witnessing my older bro(30 now) guerrilla growing in the woods behind my house, i started helping him, smoked my first joint that day. it was a good day. began growing for myself since i was 17 but had alot of experience helping my brother out.
8 years of age... No offence, I struggle to believe that. I smoked my first cig at 12 and my first joint at 15, I don't know anyone who was in single digits when they first smoked Cannabis and I know some pretty shady characters, not that I associate myself with them, for obvious reasons.