How Often Should You Trip???


Well-Known Member
i feel I need to discuss with ALL OF YOU.

how often you should trip....

ALL psychedelics can develop a tolerance.
and it lasts THREE days.
no more, no less....

now waiting 3 days after a trip to trip again...
still is not a good idea.

you will get the effects back.
but the trip WILL NOT be in full swing.

if you wait AT LEAST one full month....
the effects will be back completely.

but however much ANY OF YOU trip...
is not my concern.
it is yOURS.

know why you are taking it.
do not over do it.
and make sure you are respecting it!!!

I love all of you.
and I hope you all make the right choices in life.

When i first discovered LSD i must have tripped 4 or 5 times that summer, but then the magic and the novelty factor wore off and now i only do it one or two times a year..same thing with mdma. Im eager to try mescaline, dmt and shrooms this year.

Nevertheless seems to me like the least you do it the more beneficial it can be..its like visiting an old friend or going back to your home country after a long time, it just makes it more rewarding when you actually cross paths again.

Its kind of like when you take it for the first time..even though you have never done it in your life, seems like up to that point that realm was there waiting for you are reunited with some higher power..
i believe that a month is an ok amount of time b4 you trip... but thats for people who arnt too experienced..... when i first started takin L i did it prob once a month for about a year maybe a little bit more and it didnt seem to loose its "magic" but now that i have been taking L for a few years seems like if i do it every month its lost its magic.. i assume its a mental tolerance just to psychedelics in general. so every since about 6 months ago whe ni fryed i decided i only wanna fry maybe 4 times a year every 3 months... been 6 sicne ive done it and i wont be taking it until early november at the desert... hope my break did some justice =D
twice a year now days, my b-day is exactly 6 months from the new year, so its perfect. Occasionally around Christmas or a festival, that i might do some heavy dosage, and leave this world for a few days.
I always space out my trips by at least a week but if I do it too often it looses it's dazzle.
i feel I need to discuss with ALL OF YOU.

how often you should trip....

ALL psychedelics can develop a tolerance.
and it lasts THREE days.
no more, no less....

now waiting 3 days after a trip to trip again...
still is not a good idea.

you will get the effects back.
but the trip WILL NOT be in full swing.

if you wait AT LEAST one full month....
the effects will be back completely.

but however much ANY OF YOU trip...
is not my concern.
it is yOURS.

know why you are taking it.
do not over do it.
and make sure you are respecting it!!!

I love all of you.
and I hope you all make the right choices in life.


"some drugs are bad" but the ones I take are ok . bwahahah

Drugs are neither "bad" nor "good" they are chemicals and do certain things to the human body and mind - each has a purpose, a use, a benificial side and a harmful side. To lable LSD as "good" is ridiculous as labeling nicotine as "bad".
he is perfectly fine. =]

thank you for asking.

he had it with RIU.

he and others have moved on to bigger and better things.

i still love RIU though.