How Often Should I Water Poppys In Florida


Active Member
and can i start them this time of year need help and advice wana grow a couple healthy poppy plants and have never cultivated poppy before dont believe florida has the right climate to humid no elevation, not much of a winter but when should i plant them i planted a few in a bucket just to see and they germinated but wont grow bigger than the seedling stage i wana plant a row directly into the soil what soil mix should i use was thinking 40/60 pelite and mg organic of ff ocean and some small rocks to make it more like their homeland


Well-Known Member
well just water whenever they need it you will get the hang of it they are kind of hard to get started :D and i can say they love happy frog soil :D LOL :)


Well-Known Member
You don't really need to take care of poppies. They grow in Afghanistan. Some of the most infertile land on the planet. Give them any decent soil and water them only if they look wilty and they will thrive. I grow them most years (just because they're pretty, not for opium, that's way too much work for such a small return).