How often should i use SUPERthrive?

So, if you use Superthrive to root clones, do you still use rooting gel or would Superthrive take its place? And would you dilute Superthrive or just a dip in full strength?
Many decades ago the plant growth regulators called auxins were isolated and characterized. Auxins were found to stimulate cell elongation in both root and shoot tissues. Commercial preparations were developed that contained auxin and vitamin B-1 among other ingredients. Research in 1949 found improved root development in plants treated with one of these preparations (Transplantone, which contains both auxin and thiamine), but noted the importance of auxins in this response. Further research throughout the last half of the 20th century investigating the application of auxins to root systems suggested that auxins may stimulate root growth, but that vitamin B-1 on its own does not.
Thanks for that Chuck. Just read it. From everything I have read and what you just posted, I think I have decided to just clone without rooting gel but I am going to use a drop each in the bubbler of Superthrive and Rapid Start, so we will see if I succeed or fail. I have been trying to avoid buying all the "hype" out there everyone is selling. Keeping it basic. Back in the day you could just grow weed with water and dirt. Boy it's gotten technical. Lol
So many people get confused with this stuff because of videos on YouTube showing a ST experiment, and others that use it and see no results. I've watched a couple YouTube videos of people doing experiments with it and said it didn't work or didn't do anything and others that have used it and said the same. But also they aren't giving any nutrients to the plants with ST. ST is not some miracle enhancer that will do extravagant wonders for your plant used alone. This is a root simulator with other vitamins and ingredients that they refuse to tell you are in it 'secret', lol. ST works by helping the plants develops a more stronger root system and structure which then helps the uptake of nutrients you give the plant. It also helps with stress as well. It is good for encouraging growth for young plants (veg) when given proper nutrients along with it. The kelp that's in it helps with heat stress and other stressful conditions. But by no means is it a miracle solution. I have used it and I think it really helps with root development which in turn helps them take in nutrients better.

Of course i was only talking about plants that are already established. It also works well with cloning and bare root soaking.. ohh, and transplanting :)
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Just wondering how often i should use superthrive on my small plants and how much?

I was growing in my tool closet in my upstairs apartment with myliae and cfls. I have three plants and I have used super thrive on all of them every watering I use the backs ratio of 1/4 tsp per gallon. Now the oldest plant (don't know age) was started. Without using it but the other 2 younger plants are 5 and 7 weeks both topped and the diffrence in just the main stems thickness and how hard it ism it took the other plant months to get it that hard
Just wondering how often i should use superthrive on my small plants and how much?
My question is how often can or should you use it with soild additives I just finished a grow vox so I could move the plants from my closet to the attic inside the box and to deal with the heat I put a hose from both bathrrom fans right into the box with roof board as my reflective surface. And the problem I'm having is the plants are getting some kind of burn either heat or from the mixture of super t and this fert fox farm. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
My question is how often can or should you use it with soild additives I just finished a grow vox so I could move the plants from my closet to the attic inside the box and to deal with the heat I put a hose from both bathrrom fans right into the box with roof board as my reflective surface. And the problem I'm having is the plants are getting some kind of burn either heat or from the mixture of super t and this fert fox farm. Any advice would be greatly appreciated

Super thrive is actually considered "snake oil" and useless for the most part.
For serious faster rooting and larger root growth - Kelp extract! In college studies it's found to increase root growth by as much as 170+% !!!!

As far as your plants problem goes. A pic would say a thousand words - next to impossible to help without it!

Now I need you to tell us what media are you in?
what brand
what FF ferts - they make plenty
how much do you use and how often do you use it.

Next time you might want to notice the date of the last thread posting - over year ago to a thread started in 2007!

Also better to start your own thread when asking for help! Not nice to hijack others, but we'll forgive you this time

..if you want roots.

the only time I see ST used is, in mass tray to net pot transfers, and that's only because it would cost to much to use H&G RE.