How often do you use silica personality

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I've been using monosilicic acid for the past few grows and like it a lot. I was using Grow Genius but switched to Impello's new version they call Dune I love this stuff, more than Grow Genius just noticeably perks a plant up, both root drench and foliar. Dosing is 1 ml/gal. Every product of theirs that I've tried is the highest quality, but they aren't cheap either.
I've been using monosilicic acid for the past few grows and like it a lot. I was using Grow Genius but switched to Impello's new version they call Dune I love this stuff, more than Grow Genius just noticeably perks a plant up, both root drench and foliar. Dosing is 1 ml/gal. Every product of theirs that I've tried is the highest quality, but they aren't cheap either.
Why do you prefer this 2.2% MSA version to GG's 40% MSA?
I've been using monosilicic acid for the past few grows and like it a lot. I was using Grow Genius but switched to Impello's new version they call Dune I love this stuff, more than Grow Genius just noticeably perks a plant up, both root drench and foliar. Dosing is 1 ml/gal. Every product of theirs that I've tried is the highest quality, but they aren't cheap either.

AFAIK should separate the biostimulant like effect from applying MSA from the possible benefits of adding silicon.

Seems to be cheaper ways to get that same biostim like effect from what i've read.
I used it outdoors for several years. I was told it helped with the wind by making the stems larger and able to hold up to heavy winds better?
I use silica for 2 reasons on my outdoor plants.

1 it helps the plants handle high heat better. During the summer we can have weeks on end over 100 degrees with some weeks being in the 110-118 range.

2 it help to strengthen the branches which matter a great deal when you are experiencing high winds.

I stop adding silica once they begin to flower.
Makes a good pH up have to say. I'm using OMRI certified potassium silicate.
I believe you can observe improvement from using it. Convinced I've seen the difference myself. If only a little.

Personally I take the "availability" of Si products with caution. (the same is said for garden lime)
You don't necessarily want or need an Si product that's so readily available, as some Si products are.
I don't ever go over the manufacturer's recommendations either.

If it helps against pests/disease, whilst producing stronger, more tenacious plant fibres, then I'm all for it.

My only concern about Si is in end product.
Will using Si products up until harvest adversely affect one's health?
Is it legal in commercial operations to do so?

It's a genuine concern I do have. If anyone can inform me.
I've seen the general advice is to stop Si use a few weeks before harvest.
Using 1mL/10L solution.

Tempted to run it until harvest anyway, from now on.
Would appreciate input from any person who knows.

Hey, do you need to adjust your base nutrients when using silica.

I'm trying to figure out if I need to lower the base nutrients as my target EC is 1.3 but once the silica is added it takes my EC to about 1.6. is this normal ?
ive noticed people run different amounts per gallon and on the back of the bottle its says max strength 4ml per g. what do u use?

Different amounts will depend on why your using it. I use Armor Si (Potassium Silicate) to raise my pH personally. I have started adding calcium carbonate to my feed to help buffer the solution so it doesn't swing pH so much. I use Armor Si with RO filtered water @ 4ml/gal to hit 6.4 pH with Maxibloom nutrients. All nutrients/additives and starting water will change how much you use depending on your goal.

I think Armor Si is 10% Silicon Dioxide where many other brands are 3-4% so I personally use that one to keep pH in the 6.2-6.4 range during bloom. Seems to help the rootzone stay alkaline and not get too acidic especially near the end where its more common to see pH crash in Coco after weeks of feeding salts.

Using 4ml/gal of Armor Si with 1g/gal of maxibloom usually results in a 6.2-6.4 pH for me personally mixing into RO water. After feeding the rootzone is usually around 6.0-6.1 pH which I like and it's why I do not like feeding @ 6.0 cause the rootzone is usually a couple tenths lower than what your input is over time, even with adequate runoff.
I use Potassium Silicate for PH UP personally due to cheap & effectiveness. I don't know if the silica actually does anything tbh.

Same here, most nutrients take my PH down too low and the Silicate keeps it right were I need it. I dont like using PH up and Down if I can avoid it.

I know they say to add it to the mix first, but I do the opposite and adjust PH with it at the end.
Thanks for the evidence. This is Glow from Manic Botanix and we are going after these scumbag pirates now. Lifting entire sites without permission of the author leaves them wide open to being sued. Cheers. Glow
What happened to Manic Botanix? I wondered why it suddenly required a password at some point. I used to send new growers over there all the time for good evidence based information.
What happened to Manic Botanix? I wondered why it suddenly required a password at some point. I used to send new growers over there all the time for good evidence based information.

This is Glow. What happened was too many scumbags were exploiting my rep. Game over. I've left the Canna building and will be pulling the site down completely soon (better use for server space).
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