How Often Do You Toke?


Well-Known Member
^ ruining the thread, we all know he cant smoke 8 oz a day so ignore it.

I usually only smoke in the evenings, 2 nights during the week and all weekend.

SOMETIMES go for a cheeky joint during lunch but I work in sales so cant do it too often cos im useless at it when im stoned!


Well-Known Member
lol endo.. a hp a day.. if thats true its fucking epic.. thats half a plant yield a day? so you are smoking 3.5 plants a week.. 182 plants a year.. whatever setup you have must be ultraepic

Endo Dank

Active Member
lol endo.. a hp a day.. if thats true its fucking epic.. thats half a plant yield a day? so you are smoking 3.5 plants a week.. 182 plants a year.. whatever setup you have must be ultraepic
it's really simple, but Imma pass out soon. srsly sorry tired, and 5 hour energy shots are my jesus :P buds my god haha.


Well-Known Member
they make these commercials for them it looks like this guys in his chair beating off like ohh yeah but it just turns out he was drinking a five hour power shot and then this girl walks in and he stands up and says like woo im ready

Endo Dank

Active Member
they make these commercials for them it looks like this guys in his chair beating off like ohh yeah but it just turns out he was drinking a five hour power shot and then this girl walks in and he stands up and says like woo im ready
No dood that's ones for the 6 hour one, those ones liek so fake the 5 hour one shows a bunch of a fact's about how good it is, the 6 hour just goes like what you said so fake.


Well-Known Member
ahahaha thats the funniest thing iver read all week.. and lunchbox you smoke an eigth a day? fuck im lightweight.. an eighth lasts me a few months... and i go usually every day.
u smoke every day and an eighth lasts u a few months? u surely dont get high then?


Well-Known Member
yeah mate.. well..... yeah not so much i wanna pass out.. but yes i do get high.. im 182.5cm and around 65kg.. so im pretty fuckin skinny if that makes a diff. Also i vaporize mostly as well :)


Well-Known Member
yeah thats the thing.. whilst i give respect to those that smoke a shitload each day and thats the norm.. what about cost?? or time and money and risk to grow it? So im not complaining that im a featherweight.

Endo Dank

Active Member
yeah thats the thing.. whilst i give respect to those that smoke a shitload each day and thats the norm.. what about cost?? or time and money and risk to grow it? So im not complaining that im a featherweight.
Sucks to smoke alot, Tolerance is a bitch, and trying to exercise? Forget it lol


Active Member
I've actually been running recently, and I don't smoke until after i run. This has kept my cost down because it cuts out an extra 1 to 2 hours of my smoke time. I started exercising a couple months ago. I had to really motivate myself at first, so I would ride my bike a mile down the levee, smoke a bowl, and ride back.

I'm off work today though, so I'm currently on bowl two.