how often do you guys flood your table?


Active Member
i have some two week old clones in 6 inch rockwool cubes and i been flooding one time a day for 30 minutes...lights are running 24/7 should i flood more then once a day? maybe shorter time? more frequent?


Active Member
4 x a day 20 mins depending how long it takes to fill your table. 1 x a day is not going to cut it. you need to be able to read your plants. See what they want.


Well-Known Member
god I hate rockwool. That shit just hold too much moisture. In hydroton I flood for 8 minutes every 3 1/2 hours. No floods at night. In rockwool I would flood however long it takes to flood to the correct level and do that every 4-5 hours. No floods at night.

BTW There are many theories on the whole 24/7 light regime but ask yourself this...on what planet have plants evolved to grow in constant light? You will see better root growth with 18/6. Your HID bulbs will also last longer. Doesn't matter in the least to me, just putting it out there.


Active Member
i switched it to every 5 hours at 7 min to flood (have big pump so it floods fast) plants are lookin better last day or so..think two died or very close to dieing


i agree bro i been using cubes for 5 grows, first 2-3 weeks i only flood once a day. then i switch to 2 floods for 2 weeks or just go to 3 a day if u started flowering.

werkd fer me..