How often do you get High?

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
And notice I didn't say "Medicate". I don't medicate. I get high. Been doing it for about 28yrs and just fine with it. As a matter of fact I hate the nomenclature "Medical Marijuana" but that's an entirely different rant.

I was an every day kinda guy for about the past 15yrs. Then the past year I kicked back to being a bit more "social" with my enjoyment of the Herb. So id say 1-2x week now. I find I get much higher and appreciate different herbs WAY more than before.

What about you fellow herb smokers, vapers and MEDICATORS?


Well-Known Member
wait, you smoke 1-2x a week? I masturbate more often than that.. and I smoke wayy more than I masturbate.


Active Member
I smoke everyday as much as possible. I go through about an 8th every 2-3 days between me and my girlfriend.


Well-Known Member
I work during the days but I smoke when I get a home maybe a couple bowls and then another bowl of Indica before I go to bed. On the weekends I smoke throughout the day. Only a couple of my friends smoke and they live far away from me so it's usually me smoking by myself but I really dont mind that.


Active Member
First off, it might be getting high for you, but without MJ I literally have trouble functioning day to day due to my lifelong chronic medical condition (one of the listed 7 conditions)

I pretty much medicate from when I wake up in the morning until I go to sleep at night. I try to ration myself to an ounce a week (of "top shelf") If I could smoke less, or not at all I would, but I just can't properly function with chronic symptoms / pain otherwise.

Some may think that's a lot of weed, but there are people with 8 gram a day prescriptions for what I have , so I feel fortunate. It also costs less on a per month basis than the pharmaceuticals that I am prescribed.


I have been smoking daily for the past 16 years. I was always the wake and bake, smoke all day type.

However the older I get, the less I can function blazing all day. So while I still smoke daily, it often starts in the evenings now. Unless of course I am on vacation or taking a day off from work.

One way or another though, I need my sleeping medication daily. ;)

wait, you smoke 1-2x a week? I masturbate more often than that.. and I smoke wayy more than I masturbate.