How NOT to get busted?


Active Member
Hey everyone. I'm new here and I've been getting interested in growing. I don't smoke marijuana at all, but all my friends and my uncle do, and they're ALWAYS asking if I know anyone who has any pot, so I figured, hey...Why not grow and be able to say "Yep...I do!" right? Right.

This is my main concern, though...Getting busted. Not by a family member or a friend, but by the DEA or the cops or what have you. I won't lie to you...I wouldn't last a day in prison. I'm not worried that I'd be stupid enough to make it OBVIOUS that I was growing Marijuana (by letting everyone know about it, etc), but I was wondering if there is anything I should know about that cops use to bust people.

I'm aware that stealing electricity or something would be a choice leading you to get busted, and I wouldn't do that anyways, but is there anything else? I keep seeing pictures on the 'net of grow rooms that got busted and I can't help but wonder...How did they get busted? What did they do wrong? Was it just that they got caught selling and their house was raided? Or was it something else?

I guess my friend is Canada made me paranoid the most...He said the RCMP will raid your house if your electricity bill jumps up a lot for no apparent reason, suspecting you of growing Marijuana. I highly doubt that would happen, but I need some reassurance...Afterall, it's not to be taken lightly...Getting busted would suck.

I was thinking about growing about 8 plants...How many lights would I need? Two HPS and 2 Fluorescents, I'd wager? And if so, does anyone know how much that would bump my bill up? I'm not worried about money, I'm just worried about...Like I said...Someone at the electric company getting suspicious. I'm sure it's all automated and they don't manually check it, but I'd just like someone to tell me "You're being paranoid. Are you sure you don't smoke pot?" :P

Anywhoos, just thought this would be a nice little discussion. I'm really looking forward to growing...It seems like it'll be really fun. :mrgreen:
Firstly and most importantly, wait, its so important iam going to type it in bold, awww and maybe red to! :D


Seriously though dont tell anyone. Only tell people who NEED to know and who you can trust your life with. The power companies cant tell if your growing cannabis. If you pay your bill on time you will be fine. Its only when you go stealing electricity things get out of hand. Also make sure noone can smell it either.

And for the love of god! DO NOT MOVE CANNABIS PLANTS FROM ONE PLACE TO ANOTHER! My uncles mate did this with about 3 people. They coverd in a bag or something and moved it from there car to there house. They had 3 fking trees about 6 feet tall and they left a trail of cannabis leafs from the car to house. I mean come on.

6-7weeks later they got raided by 10 policemen. Found 2 oz of bud. I dont know the full story though...

Also when youve harvested and your mates say "how much bud you got?" just say "Ive got sht loads mate". If they say "Were you gettin from?" just say from some dealer you know. Do not trust anyone.
Im the same way... I definitely do NOT want to get busted... I have asked a lot of questions around here as to that effect... one thing I can say is that I think that most of those busts you hear about are mainly big grows. I dont think small grows 15 plants and under will arouse much suspicion... but im a newb too... anyone have other thoughts on this subject?
yeh green your right, most busts are big grows and there all stupid growers to. I saw a house get raided on the news a few years ago. The hole house was FULL of plants. In the bathroom everywhere. There were 2 houses right next to eachother aswell.

Put it this way, if you dont tell anyone you CANT get caught growing 3 or less plants :)
I thought about getting like 50 seeds for outdoors too...But I'm not sure. I don't want to spend the money on them when I can't really tend to them daily...They'd probably just die and get molested by pests anyways. :P

Like I said, I was just thinking about growing like 8 or so plants...That might even be a bit much and I'll only do 4...I'm not sure yet.

Anyone know how many ounces a plant will give on average? I saw that Big Bud strain and it said it'll give 600 grams per plant...Which is 21 ounces...Over a pound. I find that hard to believe. Could it be true? If that were the case, I'd be absolutely amazed...You could grow just a couple of plants and have several pounds every couple months, which is a lot fo money...Or a lot of smoking, in most of your cases. I don't smoke anymore...Used to when I was younger, but lost interest. I don't know too much about the plant...Still learning, so yea, I don't know what the average yield is...So far I've seen between 350 and 600 grams, so I know it's a huge gap, but damn...That's a lot of pot. It's hard to believe.

...Then again...My uncle and I found these 9 foot tall plants in a ditch last summer...He smoked some and said it wasn't any good, but two 9 foot tall plants had several pounds of buds on them. It was amazing.
Anyone know how many ounces a plant will give on average? I saw that Big Bud strain and it said it'll give 600 grams per plant...Which is 21 ounces...Over a pound. I find that hard to believe. Could it be true? If that were the case, I'd be absolutely amazed...You could grow just a couple of plants and have several pounds every couple months, which is a lot fo money...Or a lot of smoking, in most of your cases. I don't smoke anymore...Used to when I was younger, but lost interest. I don't know too much about the plant...Still learning, so yea, I don't know what the average yield is...So far I've seen between 350 and 600 grams, so I know it's a huge gap, but damn...That's a lot of pot. It's hard to believe.

...Then again...My uncle and I found these 9 foot tall plants in a ditch last summer...He smoked some and said it wasn't any good, but two 9 foot tall plants had several pounds of buds on them. It was amazing.

Well it all depends on your conditions and how you grow. If you veg your plant for a long ass time giving it more nodes and becoming bushier, then you will then in the end yield much more bud. A more realistic amount per plant I would say would be about an ounce or 2 tops. Just remember that there is no such thing as too much light!! The more light all over the plant, the more yield you should have. You want to end up with some dense ass buds. Good luck with your grow. The GROW FAQ is a great place to learn almost anything about growing.
you never know when word of your grow could fall into the hands of a narc, or someone who would narc. i have a freind who got busted with 3 plants, all seedlings and hes gettin locked up for 130 days and no way out of it. and the person who ratted was someone who he thought of as a freind, you never know. walk softly, leave no trace.
// i think that some states are more leanent // i have 20 seedlings and i try tp put them outside to get them used to it but every time i do a naubor is outside // they think//know that i grow and the hate me //// what do i do ????????
and the person who ratted was someone who he thought of as a freind

Same here :( Some one who I thought was my friend grassed me up. Really, dont tell anyone. Its so not worth it. Plus they will probobly nag you to share some with them, thus reducing the amount you get to smoke ;)

I Have only told other growers Iam growing ;) Cos I know They will NOT grass me up, plus there family.

EDIT: If you get grassed up then yeh plant weed on the person who grassed you up. or worse, class A's! That would show the bastards.
My house is NEVER empty, either I am here or my wife is... That being said... There is a 12 guage by the front door loaded at all times and a 357 mag In my grow room also loaded at ALL times... I'll be leaving in a body bag before I leave in cuffs!
thats gay.

guys remember to tell everyone you know your gonna grow. so when you get caught for it its not a big surprise.


Whats gay? Nobody knows im growing except the fine citizens of this here forum...:blsmoke:

Edit: Im so paranoid about getting busted I go to three different stores to get my suplies... LMAO