How much???


Well-Known Member
5-7000 lumens psf the grow faq will tell ya 3000 minimum but you need 5000 min. 400w hps will do a 3x3-4x4 room


Well-Known Member
will 3700 do for a while
3000 PER SQUARE FOOT is the minimal reccomended. It all depends on how many plants and how big your space is. Lower amounts will work but you will need many more to get anything harvestable. Lots of light is required in the flowering stage.


Well-Known Member
13 plants is WAAAY to many for only 3700 lumens. That 3700 lumens will only effectively cover and 1 foot by 1 foot area in the veg state.
i thought thats what we were talking about 3700psf and if thats so and thats 3700psf over a 13sqft area than that means each sqft is getting 3700L and 13 plants would rock


Well-Known Member
i thought thats what we were talking about 3700psf and if thats so and thats 3700psf over a 13sqft area than that means each sqft is getting 3700L and 13 plants would rock
ooooh man my bad. I thought u meant 3700 lumens total...

3700 psf will work great man. The more the better.