How Much

thats a very vague question. you have to take account of so many things like lighting, strain selection, length of veg period, soil or hydro, nutrients, environment, etc. theres no real way of knowing. ive had out doors plants 7+ feet tall yield almost a pound in dry weight. and ive plants planted at the same time all yield drastically different amounts of bud
Sublime is completely right man. So many things can alter the amount of bud you can expect to see, but i say no less then an ounce depending on the strain, outdoor/indoor and all that other mumbo jumbo sublime said.(I say that because in my grows i got half an ounce from my first (i cant specify the strain as they were street seeds and i was basically just taking a risk) and 3 ounces from my second grow.All i can say is take good care of your plant and your plant will take care of you... :)
unless you have a hitload of fluoros, its really not worth the struggle. i use them for the first month of veg but thats to keep the nodes tight and reduce stretching.