how much yield


Well-Known Member
Always a hard question, and the pics are not the best... If I had to guess I would say around 1-2 oz...


Always a hard question, and the pics are not the best... If I had to guess I would say around 1-2 oz...
they are about 2 1/2 to three Feet tall and i live in michigan so they can only flower till like october ... and can you tell if it is indica or sativa its my first grow


Active Member
Appears to be indica dominant. Did you get a late start? Doesn't look like you'll get very much..An oz or so...maybe.


you should be able to get a few oz from those sativas. how high in michicagn are you? you may have to cover them to help speed them along and also to protect them from future frosts esp if they need to go well into nov.
Don't mean to jack the thread but I live here in mid michigan and it's my first year as well. I have three baby girls, about four and a half foot tall each. Two are supposed to be some kind of hybrid that grows and buds quicker than other varieties, and is supposed to work good in this climate. But I am too much of a newb to tell you what they are exactly. One of them is just from a pile of seeds I germinated that were laying around. It's not a five leafer like the other too and isn't as far along as the other two. I saw that you can cover them to help speed them up. So my question is, what do you use to cover them and not hurt them. They are so beautiful I would hate to screw up the slow one, but then again, I would rather try and get something than have it take forever and not get anything. So what do you use? Black plastic bags? Or like burlap? Let me know please.


i got some cloudy/clear trash bags to cover my babies when the frost comes so is it possible to just leave the bags over them at all times since they can still get light through the bags ... because i check on them like once every 3 weeks


Active Member
are you talking about covering them to change their light cycle? cause in that case you should build something. if youre not doing that then just dont cover your plants


are you talking about covering them to change their light cycle? cause in that case you should build something. if youre not doing that then just dont cover your plants
no im talking about covering them when the frost comes so the have loger flowering time


Well-Known Member
put like 4 sticks ups around it and cover it with 6 mill plastic but make sure it can breath..Im a noob to but seems like that would work.I would be like a mini green house.People where i live flower all winter like that.