How much yiel


Active Member
Hi there, i've got 3 plants under a 250w dual spectrum light and i've got a 65w red cfl next to them near the bottom of the tent being supported by a self made light holder. This is my first grow and i'd like to know if anybody experienced on here can tell me how much they think i'll get from these plants. They've been on 12/12 for 2.5 weeks now and starting to get a lot of crystals. I've been giving them plant magic plus oldtimer bloom 2ml per litre.all.jpgBlue Rhino.jpgcream caramel.jpgpurple wreck.jpg


Active Member
what is the name of your plants if you google the name for information on that mj, it will tell you how long for flowering to harvest...
for instance
Jack herer, takes 60 or so days flowering

Flowering time 50-70 days, height 150-180cm, yield up to 125 grams. Jack Herer is a winner of the cannabis cup 14 times for multiple award titles. The flowering time is a little longer than most strains, so growers will harvest a week or two early. The nugs should be very dense with brick red hairs, and visibly covered in trichomes.


Well-Known Member
If they were mine with that wattage and assuming 3 gallon pots, I'd be expecting 1ounce per plant, 3 ounces total.


Active Member
They are blue rhino (left), cream caramel (middle), purple wreck (right). The blue rhino and cream caramel are supposed to be heavy yielders and the purple wreck is supposed to be an ok(ish) yielder but a very nice smoke if you get a nice stable pheno. Next grow i'm growing 9 but small and lollipop them and see if there will be a difference in yield which I think they will be because I won't have undeveloped bottoms of the plant, they will be a nice thick short cola on each plant.


Well-Known Member
Looking good, but you have bout 6wks min to go.. So it's hard to guess a yield.. Especially with you being a new grower.. All that said, barring any probs, i'm guessing maybe 4 total, with maybe more depending how they and you do for the next 6wks


Well-Known Member
nobody can tell you even a good estimate theirs no way to tell how much bigger and how dense they will be. I would say less than an ounce each just to be safe if your expecting a crazy yield your gonna be dissapointed in the end my plants always yield more than I estimate so I'm always, :bigjoint:


Active Member
I'm expecting 6.5 weeks left if they're all 9 week strains as they say they are. I'm expecting to chop a few days before xmas so I don't need to buy any for it and it should be much better than what I usually buy from dealers, except last night I was lucky and got some lovely sour kush so I bought a lot of it so hopefully what I grow will be on the lines of that. I think the purple wreck is going to be good it looks really frosty when you look close to the buds and the calyxes look huge for their age if that's a good sign, even the weed I buy off the street doesn't have calyxes nowhere near the size of the ones on the purp wreck. 4 oz would be great from these and 5 would be just brilliant.


Well-Known Member
If they say 9 wks, you can figure on at least 10. They're estimates are from plants grown in lab conditions, by experts.. I have noticed that a lot of breeders give a shorter time than it actually is, due to a fast flowering plant being a strong selling point.


Active Member
What about a little less than 10 pounds :p. I'm hoping for 3-4 oz's but I won't be bothered about yield for the first few grows because I still need to have a few grows behind my belt first using different methods and see what works best for me.