How much would you spend on your dog?

I'm scared to ever get another pure breed dog with papers. Those papers don't mean shit when they get sick.

I think you can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat and take care of animals/pets. You definitely are a good person tangerinegreen 555

The part I quoted... don't know if you've ever heard this saying before, it's 100% truth - "papers dont make the dog, the dog makes the papers"
When i was younger i would not spend much. I didnt have the means. Now
We had to make the call on our dog last year. He was 12 so ... we talked to the kids, we told them that his condition was not great, he was pretty old and surgery was along shot and super expensive. As sad as it was we had to put him down.
It is a tough one.

My motherinlaw has a dog. It is 15 years old and got sick with hodge-kins lymphoma. The vet talked her into chemo and it will be on chemo for a while.

That is not being a good pet owner or a good vet. How much longer is the dog going to live? What is the quality of life?

And my mother in law makes a choice between the chemo and visiting family or buying something she needs.

Some choices are hard choices but as adults we have to learn to make hard choices.

If the dog was young and the prognosis were good I would probably spend 5k on my pug. She is 7. If she were 13 I would think about what a great life i gave her. The average lifespan is 12 to 15)

I have had 2 dogs that lived to 17 (ran over by car) 12 (rott/shep started biting in a bad way) and now have a 7 year old pug. She is pretty awesome.
I have over 20 dogs my cheapest was around $1200 for the most part I do vet care at home but if I get in a jam and need a vet I don't really have a price on whats to much to spend my dogs make me a lot of money so why wouldn't I spend money on them is my logic . biggest vet bill so far was about $2500 on a dog that had cancer after paying out the money I got the news the dog prob wouldn't make it much past another year but I could chance it with kemo ….I bailed out on the dog it was 18 months old I never hooked it with another female and I wasn't willing to pay $5000 plus for kemo on a $2000 pup that wasn't guaranteed to live .I feel some times its best to just throw in the towel on the other hand if it was one of my producing dogs I probably would have chanced it and just retired the dog …..this is one of my stud dogs PETEY named after my brother

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