How much would you sell your weed for?

You can get good weed online for like $100 an oz there’s no money in homegrow anymore. It’s a fun hobby share with your neighbors like if it was tomatoes
Using the USPS for weed is a massive felony. Using other mail carriers doesn't offer the same 14th amendment protections against search and seizure of your parcel.
Good indoor is $250-$300 oz here. Good outdoor $160-200
You gotta meet more people, my bro comps 1/4lbs for 350(Nova) I tax my outlet $100/oz(540) custies pay $40-60/7g(never 7 always hookedup) or $130-max$160/oz. If you can hit up the DC/MD/WV depos you can find $100oz all day and $250 is max cost for some cup winners. VA depos are on some bullshit all thca hemp, shit just give me a headache like oldschool kansass ditch weed. Fuck govenor youngkin
Sold a couple oz for 30 got a 10 tip so 40. I just ask for $15 an oz but wont accept more than 20. This andys closet og not no micro chip lab grade. May be extra spores but for sure some kind of concentration of them. Maybe some missed botritus in infancy that you missed.

I mostly never got botritus so I never thought of this. I may not give any out. Though rare what could happen could lie on you. Like yea doc idk I just been smoking andys closet og for a year straight?

I probably will if there was no break out for a good while but yea like one said was right on the money. Grow for myself screw everyone else lol Im just kiddin.
I just do this for me and my wife. My bro and mom get a few oz a year for free, but I don’t have a market. I’m old and not cool anymore. Got plenty of weed though, so there’s that.
I get rid of my outdoor popcorn in prerolls. 3 for $10 at the local vape shop. Outdoor nugs are $40 for 6g with a 1g preroll.

Indoor is $50 for 6g with a 1g preroll. Half for $100 z for $200. $80 and $160 if I like u.

Bags are always heavy, that 6g is usually 8. I give freebies with every bag, sometimes some edibles. You have to give people a deal, make them feel like they are ripping you off. Same way we buy beans.

I always look at orders I put together like I was on the receiving end. These donations go right back into the garden to keep costs at 0. The rest is used by my wife and I, and free butter and prerolls for 2 cancer patients. Used to be 5 but 3 are in remission now. One is my cousin

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