How much will these plants yield?


it looks better in that pic , but imo i wouldnt try to folicar feed again makes then plant look nasty with all the little spots/

I actually did it a few times. I also had some issues with the light being so close to the plants and I think that might've contributed as well. Oh I also had a small spider mite problem but I fixed that.

=/ I don't know why people gotta hate so much on this site. Not a very friendly community. I know what color my plant is.. I'm not my blind. Well anyway good bye I won't be comming back.. much friendlier communities out there!



Well-Known Member
I actually did it a few times. I also had some issues with the light being so close to the plants and I think that might've contributed as well. Oh I also had a small spider mite problem but I fixed that.

=/ I don't know why people gotta hate so much on this site. Not a very friendly community. I know what color my plant is.. I'm not my blind. Well anyway good bye I won't be comming back.. much friendlier communities out there!

no one was hating in my book just constructive critisim


Well-Known Member
I actually did it a few times. I also had some issues with the light being so close to the plants and I think that might've contributed as well. Oh I also had a small spider mite problem but I fixed that.

=/ I don't know why people gotta hate so much on this site. Not a very friendly community. I know what color my plant is.. I'm not my blind. Well anyway good bye I won't be comming back.. much friendlier communities out there!

bye buddy ......


no one was hating in my book just constructive critisim

if you post a picture were your plant looks yellow and then get all affensed when we say your plants yellow... I DONT no what your grow room looks like i go off what picture you post. now if your leaving roll it up because of that you got a lot of growing up to do and i am GLAD that this guy is leavin


Well-Known Member
too much nitrogen. i loved reading everyones posts on here. god this kid is such a little girl. Remind me of the movie " I love you, man."


Active Member
They guy said his plants weren't yellow. Yet you guys keep emphasising that they were yellow. And now you're calling him childish for defending himself(after her proved you wrong)? GG guys.


Well-Known Member
They guy said his plants weren't yellow. Yet you guys keep emphasising that they were yellow. And now you're calling him childish for defending himself(after her proved you wrong)? GG guys.
k genius did u see the pics he posted at first???? thats why he was told his plants were yellow..and yes he was very childish especially when he took his ball and went home


They guy said his plants weren't yellow. Yet you guys keep emphasising that they were yellow. And now you're calling him childish for defending himself(after her proved you wrong)? GG guys.
aree you stuiped man he posted pictures of a yellow plant and said its green... if he leaft the site because of consrtuctive critism the he is being childish simple as that... he wasnt even smart enough to think of takeing the plants out of light to show its green i had to tell him to.