How much water should you feed an auto lowryder and how often?

Need someone to help me figure out how much water and how often i should be watering my plants, i have a basic understanding but need re-assurance as not experienced and wouldnt want my first to be a fail lol.



Well-Known Member
Expect your first to be a failure, growing is a learning process no one gets it right on their first try. As far as watering goes, you water when the soil is not bone dry, but not completely soaked. Plants do best in a moist medium, not too wet, not too try. Get a pot of dry soil and pick it up, that's too dry. Water said pot completely, that's too wet. You want it to be somewhere in the middle. I go by the weight of the pot. Why is there not a sticky that says "How often to water." It seems this is the #1 question new growers ask.

Just checked, there is:>


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Once you start figuring out your plants you will know when they need it. I usually water my plants in promix once they are dried out (not completely though) before any signs of wilting. Then water them well. Usually every 3 to 4 days mine need it. As for feeding, they get it every other watering. Good luck! :D