How much water? How do find the balance?


New Member
Hey RollItUp,

SO i have kind of a problem, not knowing how much i should water my plants. I looked through the internet, and what i found is that it depends on what medium iam using, what temperature my plants are growing in and how much their age is. But that still does not lead my to be sure of the amount of water i should feed my plant with. Therefore i created this thread, to here if you can give me an approximate number? It would help me out alot.

My plants are 5 weeks and 3 days old. They are under a 600w lighting, making the temperature in my 120x120 dark room around 25 degrees Celcius (77 fahrenheit), they grow with soil in a 1,4 litres (47 ounce/0.36 gallon) pot and the others in 1 liter pots (33 Ounce/0.26 gallons). I grow Seedsman White Widow and African Buzz, dinafems Blue Widow, greenhouse' ladyburn (if thats any relevance).

In the first week I overwatered the plant, making all the lower level of leaves yellow and dry, and then i heard that it is always better to underwater than it is to overwater, so i started sparing more on the water which left all the plants looking they're about to die, however they healed after i watered them.

But im tired of all this insecurity and paranoia i have everytime iam watering my babies. Can you guys help me out with the infomation and pics i've sent?

Thanks in advance guys



New Member
Thank you Yoda, but your answer does not really help my problem. I do know WHEN to water, i just dont know HOW MUCH to water.


Well-Known Member
I agree with Alienwidow, just until there is a small amount of runoff. Though, in the two small pots you could have channels that allow the water to drain very quickly. If that is the case I would slowly add another 3-6oz of water slowly after you get runoff. They do need to be transplanted. Don't let the first week issue you had sketch you out, now that they are larger they will be more forgiving to the precise watering amount.

Also, they look hungry. Are you giving them nutes yet? Maybe think about a 1/4 dose. If you do transplant wait on the nutes for a week or so though on the small ones.


Well-Known Member
How I water is slowly around the roots until a small amount comes out below the plant. Use filtered water and measure your PH so it's not too high.