How much to water and when to water ?


Well-Known Member
I feel like I'm either under watering or over watering my leafs are droopy but I flushed it 2 days ago I usually water every 3-5 days. I'm growing in 5 gallon buckets they dry out pretty fast cause of my temps at 28-32c and humidity at 35% to 60% but maybe even tho my soil looks really dry maybe it's not and i'm.over watering or its super dry and I'm.under watering I'm 2 weeks into flower here's a pic



Well-Known Member
The best way to know is to fill another 5gal bucket with dry soil, lift it feel the weight. Once you have that feel of a dry pot add water slowly like your watering a plant once its fully soaked lift it, now you know a well watered weight. Then its just lifting your plants when it feels light like dry pot was it's time to water.


Active Member
Water consumption during flowering will be considerably higher then during veg. Do you water to runoff or just an amount you mix up and use.


Well-Known Member
Water consumption during flowering will be considerably higher then during veg. Do you water to runoff or just an amount you mix up and use.
I don't have any nutes so there is no mixing and I don't have a ph kit yet so I'm using reg tap water but I put about a liter into each bucket sometimes I water till run off but seems like to much for me . Since I'm on my 2nd week of flower you think this curling/drooping could be a sign of me under watering ? Because I'm still watering the same as I did in veg


Active Member
I'm no expert but yes could be under watering. Easiest way to know is water wait few hours and see if plant seems go have perked up


Well-Known Member
I'm no expert but yes could be under watering. Easiest way to know is water wait few hours and see if plant seems go have perked up
I'll give that a shot this fucking auto blueberry with this moisture mix soil is a pain in the ass has 3 months with of nutes in it out of the bag and fuck is it screwing with things


Well-Known Member
judging just based off the looks i bet you that it's over watered. why? the leaves look droopy and curling but look stiff. if they are under watered they don't look stiff they look like someone sucked the life out of them and are pretty flimsy.

i do 2 things to check moist level 1. weight test which im still highly unsure of as sometimes they feel light to me but still dont need watering so i use #2. which is i stick my index finger as deep as it can go without shoving anything else in if my entire finger is somewhat dry but not bone dry that is when i water. if i feel any sort of moisture i hold off on watering.

what i also take into consideration for my grow is im in flowering i dont have the lights on for X amount of time anymore ( i was running 24/0 idk what you run ) when you switch to flowering you reduce said amount of like and in my case i reduced it by 14 hours ( im running 10/14 flowering ) so that extra 14 hours of no light will affect the moisture. it basically keeps the plants more hydrated for a longer period.

what i base the moisture at as still too wet? imagine a new bag of soil that isn't dried out. you open it and it feels moist. not soggy or muddy but just moist. at around that moisture i give my plants 1-3 days extra and keep checking daily before watering. this is just what i do i've over watered my plants to death so im a little more careful but this grow has been going great so far as watering goes. i never measure my water i just eye ball it to 1gal and water til it's all gone. the smaller the plants are the less water i use. i got 2 plants around the size of yours in 5gals they take up 1gal total for the 2. with run off of course.

Rainbow Warrior

Well-Known Member
judging just based off the looks i bet you that it's over watered. why? the leaves look droopy and curling but look stiff. if they are under watered they don't look stiff they look like someone sucked the life out of them and are pretty flimsy.

i do 2 things to check moist level 1. weight test which im still highly unsure of as sometimes they feel light to me but still dont need watering so i use #2. which is i stick my index finger as deep as it can go without shoving anything else in if my entire finger is somewhat dry but not bone dry that is when i water. if i feel any sort of moisture i hold off on watering.

what i also take into consideration for my grow is im in flowering i dont have the lights on for X amount of time anymore ( i was running 24/0 idk what you run ) when you switch to flowering you reduce said amount of like and in my case i reduced it by 14 hours ( im running 10/14 flowering ) so that extra 14 hours of no light will affect the moisture. it basically keeps the plants more hydrated for a longer period.

what i base the moisture at as still too wet? imagine a new bag of soil that isn't dried out. you open it and it feels moist. not soggy or muddy but just moist. at around that moisture i give my plants 1-3 days extra and keep checking daily before watering. this is just what i do i've over watered my plants to death so im a little more careful but this grow has been going great so far as watering goes. i never measure my water i just eye ball it to 1gal and water til it's all gone. the smaller the plants are the less water i use. i got 2 plants around the size of yours in 5gals they take up 1gal total for the 2. with run off of course.
I also use the index finger method; always worked a treat...

Midnight Warrior

Well-Known Member
Water til you get drainage at around 15-20% runoff. For example if you water each plant with a gallon of water you will want to collect around 3/4 liter of runoff or 750 ml. If you are not getting drainage the roots at the bottom are not getting water.

Rainbow Warrior

Well-Known Member
Water til you get drainage at around 15-20% runoff. For example if you water each plant with a gallon of water you will want to collect around 3/4 liter of runoff or 750 ml. If you are not getting drainage the roots at the bottom are not getting water.
Sounds better and more reliable than either using the index finger method or potlifting all the Time!

Thanks for the advice
