How much to feed when switching from growth to bloom ?


Active Member
Hi, ive just switched my plants from growth stage to bloom stage, I was feeding them 15ml per 2.5pints of water, ive been using the coco growth fertilizer. Do I then carry on giving them the same amount of feed or do I have to lower it to about 5ml per 2.5pints of water and work my way up ?

I will upload pics later if anyones interested :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Keep using your Grow nutes for at least 2 weeks into 12/12

Then switch to the Bloom formula.

Are you using a tester to monitor the strength of your nutes?

Are you monitoring your pH?

Coco can be a very GOOD medium to use but you need to monitor Both pH and PPM/EC of your feed strength.



Active Member
Yes im monitoring my pH, I havent been monitoring my ppm/ec as I dont really know what that is but my plants are looking in perfect health

so when switching from growth forumla to bloom do I use the same ammount ?

Thanks for the reply


Active Member
On the back of the bottle it does state that you are meant use between 5-7ml per pint of water is that what you mean by ppm/ec ?


Well-Known Member
Yes im monitoring my pH, I havent been monitoring my ppm/ec as I dont really know what that is but my plants are looking in perfect health

so when switching from growth forumla to bloom do I use the same ammount ?

Thanks for the reply

This is where i would tell you to keep your ppm's or EC's the same level as they were during veg. But seeing as you arent testing them and dont know what they are then i would advise getting a PPM or EC tester if you can afford one.

Other than that i would start out at half the recommended strength on the bottle of bloom.

What nutes are you using?



Well-Known Member
On the back of the bottle it does state that you are meant use between 5-7ml per pint of water is that what you mean by ppm/ec ?

The ppm is the PARTS PER MILLION

and the EC is the Electrical Conductivity of your nutes.

Both are a way of testing how STRONG your nutes are.

If you check on the bottle it may give you an EC or PPM value to aim for.



Active Member
Ye ive got one of those ive never used it though. Im using canadian express coco growth and canadian express coco bloom. Next time I feed them il make sure I check the ppm/ec and il let you know what comes up

Thanks for the replies

Your grows look nice by the way I checked out your journal


Active Member
On the back of the bottle though it does say Use 5-7ml per liter or maintain the E.C between 1.6 and 2.6 or 1200 to 1800ppm according to phase and development of the plant, so I presumed if I kept it between the right amount of ml's per litre then I would be ok


Well-Known Member
That seems a little strong to me, i never used to run any higher than EC1.7 using CANNA COCO range and it was only 1.7 during my PK1314 weeks.

Normal running EC for me was 1.4



Active Member
I hadnt used more than 5ml per litre throughout the whole growth stage and the plants seem to like it not burnt once

Thanks for the replies


Well-Known Member
I hadnt used more than 5ml per litre throughout the whole growth stage and the plants seem to like it not burnt once

Thanks for the replies
Are you feeding everytime or do you have plain water days?

There are some nute brands out there that use a high EC value such as DUTCH PRO, week1 veg 1.8EC , week2 veg 2.0EC, week1 flower 2.2EC etc, but i personally dont like running that high.

Keep your EC's the same or just a little higher than your usual EC when you switch to bloom formula and gauge the plants reactions.



Active Member
I didnt take to many, I have 4 plants all together here they are in the 1st week of bloom

First photo you can only see abit of the first and second plants, its a awkward to take good photos in the space they are in

Other photo you can only see abit of the third and 4th

My third grow by the way I know I shouldve known the answer to my question but I completely forgot what I done on the other 2 grows lol :blsmoke::blsmoke:

I feed every 3 days, no just water days which I think I made a mistake on ?

Just waiting for the photos..

Uploading here didnt work for me so I uploaded to imageshack

Uploaded with

Uploaded with


Well-Known Member
some people do have plain water days but its not imperative .

do you make sure you have good runoff after watering? around 20% this helps stop salt build up.

Your plants are looking fine. I stand by my advice of using the grow formula during stretch the Extra N tends to help as the plants stretch monitor your EC of your grow mix and then when you switch to bloom keep EC's the same for a week before you up it slightly.

You may find halfway during flowering that Ca/Mg gets locked out causing yellowing of the leaves usually a good flush with a flushing additive followed by a bloom feed will help along with a little Ca/Mg substitute.



Active Member
Ok thanks thats excellent advice, il post here when they are done and let you know how it goes

Im sure youve had allot of experience on this as you know exactly what to do!!

By the way to the newbies like me, ive learnt everything from these forums so stick around youll do fine

Edit - Yes I do make sure I have good run off after watering


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks thats excellent advice, il post here when they are done and let you know how it goes

Im sure youve had allot of experience on this as you know exactly what to do!!

By the way to the newbies like me, ive learnt everything from these forums so stick around youll do fine

Edit - Yes I do make sure I have good run off after watering

I was growing in COCO for a little over a year before switching to Hydro, But i read constantly about all types of growing so i have quite a bit of knowledge regarding alot of subjects.

I have been growing personally since Dec09. So i am by no means a VETERAN but i can hold my own.
