How much sun is too little?


Active Member
I'm in week 1.5 of my first indoor grow, and i am pretty sure i have too few lumens to keep the number of plants I have and expect a timely harvest, so i was interested in putting a few in my big backyard, only problem is that with a lot of overhead trees im worried that the amount of sunlight is too little. grass has a hard time taking foot, but certian plants have thrived (kudzu and iveys)

i went ahead and put a couple bagseed seedlings in a relativly sunny spot, just to see what would happen. unfotatly i think the seclusion provided by the foliage that i like when considering to plant outdoors is also the reason why it will not work.

other than the first question asked in the title , are thair strains that do well in lowlight locations?

My plants receive less than 5 hours of sun daily. They still grow nice and smell good, they just dont grow as large and strong.


Well-Known Member
see my prob is i live in new england and the hot sun is shit around here. im not complaining tho at least im getting a few buds from this one plant


Active Member
you could do what i did... if you just climb the trees and cut some branches but not a big huge opening cause thats obvious from a helecopter, but lighten up the foliage that blocks the sunglight it'll give u more bud for free so why not just be careful climbing lolz