how much sun do they need outside?


Active Member
I want to plant some in the woods but I don't know how without preventing it sunlight, what will you guys do in this situation?


Well-Known Member
the most important thing when finding a good spot in the woods is to look straight up if its clear above then look down, rinse and repeat. :D

Willie North

Well-Known Member
the most important thing when finding a good spot in the woods is to look straight up if its clear above then look down, rinse and repeat. :D
yeah you would want a big enough clearing because if the clearing is to naro up words then the plants would get only a cuple hours of light.


Well-Known Member
Try the east side of a clearing. If there is woods or cover behind them it will be fine.


Well-Known Member
also if you dont might cutting down existing underbrush where it is getting good water and sunlight .. id recommend that (which i did myself)... its a perfect opening where a tree fell couple years ago and took another tree with it .. and plants started growing there til i cut them down .. gets good sun light and isnt visible to people passing by ..

Well-Known Member
also if you dont might cutting down existing underbrush where it is getting good water and sunlight .. id recommend that (which i did myself)... its a perfect opening where a tree fell couple years ago and took another tree with it .. and plants started growing there til i cut them down .. gets good sun light and isnt visible to people passing by ..
I hide my hillbilly buckets in that hides them from pople on foot...but they do need as much sunligh as possible, so that's the trade off: security or net weight.