How much soil to perlite mix? (PIX)


Well-Known Member
I have 8 dry quarts of each of these

I have 2 seedlings (1 bag seed, 1 Blueberry) started in a 16 oz cup of
100% Miracle Grow Organic Choice Potting Soil (.10-.05-.05). I want to transplant them soon into 7" (1.5 gallon) square pots (where they will nest till harvest).

Is it a must that I change the soil? or can I just mix it with some Perlite and be fine?

and if Miracle Grow brand is my only convenient option at the moment for soil, should I transplant to a different type of soil (standard potting soil or Moisture Control)?

Also, isn't my Perlite supposed to be 0-0-0? Miracle Grow Perlite is 4-1-6.
My Vermiculite is 100% Vermiculite with no N-P-K, but will I even need this stuff?

I don't expect a single person to answer all my questions (that sh!t sho would be nice though) but if you can answer just one I'm good!

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
Miracle grow is nuted up like a bitch. Hopefully will be fine 50-50 mix soil to perlite. Only water with plain water dont use any nute coz marijauna burns easily and people dont call miracle grow miracle burn for no reason. Just water normally with normal water should be fine. when plants show defficiency add nutes. GOod luck peace brother.


Well-Known Member
i'll at least get you started.

if at all possible, you want to use ingredients (soil and perlite) with no fertilizer added. the reason is that gives you the flexibility to add nutes when the plants really need it and the ability to flush out nutes if you add too much. most people avoid miracle grow products for this reason.

i add from 25% -33% percent perlite but have never used Vermiculite.

as for pot size, you want 1 gal per foot of final size of plant, so 1.5 gallon pot is a good for a pretty small plant.

hope that helps


Well-Known Member
Miracle grow is nuted up like a bitch. Hopefully will be fine 50-50 mix soil to perlite. Only water with plain water dont use any nute coz marijauna burns easily and people dont call miracle grow miracle burn for no reason. Just water normally with normal water should be fine. when plants show defficiency add nutes. GOod luck peace brother.

So, mix soil with perlite 50/50 and don't add any nutes, just water? I can do without the Vermiculite?


Well-Known Member
i'll at least get you started.

if at all possible, you want to use ingredients (soil and perlite) with no fertilizer added. the reason is that gives you the flexibility to add nutes when the plants really need it and the ability to flush out nutes if you add too much. most people avoid miracle grow products for this reason.

i add from 25% -33% percent perlite but have never used Vermiculite.

as for pot size, you want 1 gal per foot of final size of plant, so 1.5 gallon pot is a good for a pretty small plant.

hope that helps
Okay, so I'll go ahead and get the 8.5" (3 gallon) square pots for at least a 3 footer. Is the MG soil's NPK severe enough to where it would be mandetory for me to switch to a Fox Farm soil where I would add nutrients? I would think 0.10 - 0.05 - 0.05 was pretty small


Well-Known Member
Okay, so I'll go ahead and get the 8.5" (3 gallon) square pots for at least a 3 footer. Is the MG soil's NPK severe enough to where it would be mandetory for me to switch to a Fox Farm soil where I would add nutrients? I would think 0.10 - 0.05 - 0.05 was pretty small
i did my first test grow in miracle soil and it worked out ok. it is just more difficult to manage nutes but it can be done. since you are repotting anyway i would see if you can swap out the mg soil and use something else to repot


Well-Known Member
the NPK values are only listed for what is available to the plant immediately. The issue with most Miracle Grow products I'm aware of is they contain high amounts of slow release fertilizers. These will becaome available at different times in different amounts, and it's impossible to list values for that. You don't want your soil to be in that much control, you'll never know how to treat a problem correctly, should one arise (and with Miracle Grow, they usually do.)

If you use Ocean Forest you won't need any nutes at all. This will be contested in a post or two but it's true. And I'm not just saying you'll do okay if you use no nutes. I'm saying you can grow some amazing, frosty, fat plants with no nutes. You may of course want to add nutes during flowering to fine tune or experiment, but if you search through archives you'll see a handful of growers who knew what they were doing and went FF Ocean Forest start to finish and were very well rewarded!

Again, if using FFOF you don't need to add perilite. There's plenty in there to keep the plants happy, and the more perilite you add the less volume of soil, therfore area of the rootbal not exposed to micronutrients in the soil. I might mix in 20% perilite just because I know that's not goint to hurt anything, but it isn't necessary.

Don't use vermaculite, it holds water and in too large an addition you will end up with soggy soil. Your soil will hold plenty of water between waterings.


Well-Known Member
OCEAN FOREST it is! I 'll take the back the Vermiculite and the Perlite and get some 8.5" pots and some Ocean Forest.


New Member
The only growers that insist on adding perlite to everything are the ones that can't water their plants properly in the first place. Potting mixes are labeled as such for a reason. ;-)


Well-Known Member
The only growers that insist on adding perlite to everything are the ones that can't water their plants properly in the first place. Potting mixes are labeled as such for a reason. ;-)
So what potting mix do you use?


Well-Known Member
Whatever I can get my hands on. Feel free to check out my grow; link's in my sig. :blsmoke:

That's wassup! I just got finish reading a thread where someone grew with MG Organic Choice potting soil and it turned out fine. So should I just mix the rest of this shit with some MG Perlite or should I just go get some MG Moisture Control and don't mix it with anything? Sorry to be a pest, I just really want to transplant these into something else very soon. I really dont think I will be able to get the Fox Farm this week.


New Member
Miracle-Grow "Organic" isn't potting soil. It is made to be tilled into the ground..... unless they changed it very recently. If you got the perlite already, might as well use it; otherwise I wouldn't worry about adding anything to any potting soil (for drainage)......... or whatever you have going on right now.


New Member
thats the stupidest comment ive heard, perlite adds oxygent to the root system thus making twice as many roots thus having a significantly bigger yield. I often add half anf half perlite on the bottom part of the bucket and mix 1/4 perlite 3/4 hp mix bx for the rest and my plants are awesome


New Member
thats the stupidest comment ive heard, perlite adds oxygent to the root system thus making twice as many roots thus having a significantly bigger yield. I often add half anf half perlite on the bottom part of the bucket and mix 1/4 perlite 3/4 hp mix bx for the rest and my plants are awesome
Perlite adds oxygen to the soil?........ no!.... That's the stupidest comment I've ever seen, perlite lets oxygen get to roots.... see... I can do it too..... but..... whatever you say kid. :lol: Thanks for the K- jerk, you didn't budge my count. ;-)

For anyone with a brain...... Soil will compact around perlite. You'd be better off growing in 100% perlite. :blsmoke:


New Member
if perlite allows more oxygen to the root system wouldnt that mean perlite adds oxygen to the root system


New Member
i jsut saw ur cfl system and scronny plants bwahahahahahahahahaahahahhaahahahhahahahahahaahh

bwhahahahahahahahahahhahahaha thats ricoculous


Well-Known Member
Alright already guys. lol That was quite comedic. Now for an update....

I just stumbled upon a "hydro" store literally 10 minutes away. Didn't have that much cash with me but what I bought were 3 gallon round pots with drainage trays and an Active 3-Way meter (test moisture, light and Ph levels). Didn't have enough to purchase the Ocean Forest so I said what the hell and mixed the Miracle Gro Organic Choice soil and perlite 70/30ish. I transplanted the 2 seedlings from the 16oz cups to the 3 gallon and stuck em back in the cab. They were sleeping but they are getting ready to wake up from their nap in half hour or so. Should I water them now or when the lights come on, or should I just wait? Also, the soil was under my bed and a bit chilly. Will that put them in a state of shock?

thanks again for the debate! Also, this vermiculite will be returned to the box store it came from and I wanted to maybe swap it out for some plant food. What food should I get?