How much rain can our girls take?


Well-Known Member
Well fellas! 3 days after putting my girls in the ground we have been getting hit HARD with storms, non stop, daily! The night before last it stormed so bad my basement flooded! It has been pretty consistent, heavy rain resulting in flooding. I wonder how much rain these girls can take? My spot is completely covered in water, the holes I dug and filled are probably filled with water, this I am certain of. We just need some damn sun! However its calling for storms the next 10 days! Ugh....I have a feeling I may end up loosing this years crop if it continues like this. I tried everything I could think of to keep the rain from flooding, put topsoil around the plants, put manure, humus. I am to the point where Im going to build a freaking greenhouse in the middle of the field. May be a bit too obvious but to hell with it lol!
As long as the water disappears in 12 hours, there shouldn't be a problem. Avoid adding nutrient rich materials during the storms.

I fear its not disappearing in 12 hours due to the constant rain :( I hope they make it until we get a few nice days Sun
As long as water is draining well, it won't be that much of an issue. The greenhouse idea sounds very wise indeed.

]Well thats the thing, the native soil is mainly clay, so I doubt its draining well at the bottom. I can literally put my hand ontop of the soil and feel water beneath, holes back there from my previous grows and currently filled with water and have been like that since it started raining, the rain literally flooded out the old soil from the holes and left nothing but water. I fear the current holes my plants are in are filled with water. Im at the mercy of mother nature. Heres to hoping we get a dry spell sometime soon! I may have to build a low key greenhouse, but it would look pretty crazy in my current spot lol. A structure in the middle of an open field may draw attention
How big are the plants? You might consider digging them up and putting them in pots, or install a raised bed.

They are all over 1 foot tall right now. They were planted around 7-10 inches tall. I can run back n get pics if ya need.
Putting them in pots(if in the ground is an excellent idea, you got rain for the next week, their is very little 02 in the ground if wet, just ensure you have a safe area to put them, failing that, leave them in the field, dig a drainage trench around your plot, maybe even some plastic sheeting, to give them some respite, just ensure that they get lots of wind to dry them out, maybe some Neem oil spray to prevent the mold afterwards, once the rain is done nute well!
Putting them in pots(if in the ground is an excellent idea, you got rain for the next week, their is very little 02 in the ground if wet, just ensure you have a safe area to put them, failing that, leave them in the field, dig a drainage trench around your plot, maybe even some plastic sheeting, to give them some respite, just ensure that they get lots of wind to dry them out, maybe some Neem oil spray to prevent the mold afterwards, once the rain is done nute well!

Im going to try do dig some trenches, I have never seen this much rain in June, I cant believe this shit man
Im going to try do dig some trenches, I have never seen this much rain in June, I cant believe this shit man
I know in Northeast VT and the springs have been getting rainier. We had some wet weather but nothing like what you are having man I feel for you! Good luck with the trenches I had to do this also! I have my plants in pots so I could bring mine in and outdoors.:(
I know in Northeast VT and the springs have been getting rainier. We had some wet weather but nothing like what you are having man I feel for you! Good luck with the trenches I had to do this also! I have my plants in pots so I could bring mine in and outdoors.:(

Thanks! I hope the best to your grow aswell :) I am hoping they pull threw, I am starting more mushrooms to keep my mind occupied or else this weather is going to make me go insane lol