How Much Pure THC You Have Eat To Kill Yourself?


Well-Known Member
I guess while i can imagine someone trying to use someone dying from a thc overdose to demonize it i dont see it working, people have gotten alot smarter and dont buy into that shit so much anymore. Plus it pretty much is impossible to do it unless you run concentrated amounts through your veins, You would pass out or vomit before you could eat enough to actually kill yourself, imo, it might be possible but im not gonna be the one to test it out. lol. if i had that much pure thc i cant imagine a reason why i would want to kill myself, i would be so happy. lol


Active Member
JEEZE guy's im not going to kill myself, im not thinking of killing myself and i will never kill myself. this question is seriously just out of academical interest. please read the first post. and as we agreed before, smoking it would probably not be an option. i was just curious on what would be the lethal dosage would be (for example a similar question would be "how many pints of water would you have to drink before over hydration would kill you?")


Well-Known Member
i read somewhere that you have to drink double your blood capasity in pure THC. which would be like 16 litres i think.
im not sure tho. i read it somewhere, so dont take my word for it. all the propaganda on drugs it was probably a lie?
