How much Ppm ?


Well-Known Member
Seedling/clone to veg to flower
How much ppm should be at while feeding at stage to stage week to week?

Coco / pearlite


Well-Known Member
clones 0.3 EC Increase to 1.2 EC slowly
flower 1.2-1.8 EC then decrease for last week or 2
works for me ;)


Well-Known Member
I also grow in coco/perlite mix. I never feed more than 1.2~1.3 EC with a starting EC of 0.1.


Well-Known Member
I thought in flower you go up to 1500 ppm why at 1.2 that 600ppm
We all have our different methods, these are just guidelines give the plant what makes it happy and don't go overboard, some plants can handle high ec others can't as long as there aren't deficiencies I try to keep to the low end