How much more time you guys think, 1st timer!

They look like some late flowering plants like my Mazars (came in last at #3 to flower in my garden). They are known for wanting to go well into November to finish properly. Kinda sucks, as you aren't in a greenhouse like me and are bound to hit some frost issues (or so I would imagine). Maybe if you are in a warmer climate you will be fine. Regardless, be patient my friend! Certainly not done any time soon. Let the hairs be an indicator as to when you are starting to approach the end (in many cases). As they go from a healthy white, you should start to see some calyx swelling with the white hairs changing to pink, red, orange, brown. At this point, you want to really make sure you start keeping an eye on the trichomes of your plant. This is the TELL ALL indicator. By using a magnifying glass or something that will zoom in atleast 10x, you can really get in there and view the color/transparency of the trichomes. Clear/transparent all throughout is typically immature buds that have yet to reach full THC potential. 60% cloudy throughout is approx highest THC content with best head high potential. If you enjoy body lock highs or night time narcotic highs that put you to sleep, push it even further til the trichs go amber all throughout the plant. Anything past 60% tho, and you can risk the THC starting to degrade and your potency actually lower. As long as you avoid this, you are safe.

Also, do a WATER ONLY flush in the final 7 days of your grow if you want to bring out more in your aroma, smoke, & flavor.
You should also look to see if the hairs have started to recede back into the buds as this is big indicator of reaching peak maturity :)
they look good, but it looks like pic #2 is a hermie no? I see seed pods down toward the bottom. I may be wrong, but they look great, nice job.
they look good, but it looks like pic #2 is a hermie no? I see seed pods down toward the bottom. I may be wrong, but they look great, nice job.

I dont know honda.....I think your right, it does look like testicles to me too!! Now that you mentioned it.....pic. #1 looks like it also at the middle.
your right, it does. Hey 1994, looks good for your first grow, but you want to get rid of those hermies, they will pollinate your whole crop.

I dont know honda.....I think your right, it does look like testicles to me too!! Now that you mentioned it.....pic. #1 looks like it also at the middle.
Thanks i did notice that one must be a hermie thats the only one that has balls under the stems , can i still just grow it and keep it away from the others?, and if so how far should i have it apart?, there in pots so easy to move.
yeah, remove all of those little sacks and hope for the best. If you can get that plant far away from the other, so even if wind blows it cant reach it. Usually that is far away, 75 plus yards and NOT in the same yard for sure..

Thanks i did notice that one must be a hermie thats the only one that has balls under the stems , can i still just grow it and keep it away from the others?, and if so how far should i have it apart?, there in pots so easy to move.