Well-Known Member
As far as butane usage goes? Vs. Open blasting. I've read people say they are more efficient since you get to recycle your butane... But, how much? Twice as efficient?
Thanks bro.. what about active vs passive? It seems that the main difference is active just recovers the butane quicker, making it more efficient? But they both ultimately recover the same amount?
They can be upgraded to active later if wanted anyways, right?
Sorry for all the questions, I really appreciate the help!
Do you know if you have an active or passive system? Like does it have a pump with it that pumps the butane into a reclaim tank?I dunno about all the different options.
When I researched, the Tamisium unit ticked all the boxes for me and I never looked back, still tickin all the boxes and never an issue.
Good point! We upped our average recovery a couple percentage points.Higher return yields too, i find.
How do you get cotton candy?
i use a sink speed up my buchner funnel filtration.powerful little things and you can control your vac.i think mine cost around $25.just a heads up,mine doesnt fit a regular sink faucet thread(not the same size as a lab faucet) you may have to pick up some simple adapters at the hardware store to fit it refer to high vacuum pump, do you think a faucet aspirator can do it? its all outdoors on a windy day.