How Much Longer?

Los Muertos

Active Member
1 week? It's Wappa from Paradise Seeds, flowering for 65 days. I've looked with the microscope, but I'm blind as a fucking bat! Best I can tell it's roughly 80% cloudy, 10 clear and 10 amber.



Well-Known Member
Lol ur pix r great. Watch those pistils. Watch em retract. That's when the plant goes into overdrive. The calyxs swell and captitated triches, the ones that store THC, terpenes Et al. are produced. This makes your buds more potent and you a happy smoker.


Hej babe.
I wouldnt harvest just yet, maybe flush them with water for a few days or a week even, til the leaves go yellow by using up all the remaining Sugars and pumping them into the buds... Giving a final burst ov growth... meaning bigger buds!!
They look great though babes... just hold on for another week, if you can.
