How Much Longer?


Well-Known Member
So how much longer you guys suspect. There is a couple pictures of one plant that seems to be running about 2 weeks behind the others. I want to push them 2 or 3 more weeks. Giving nutes for at least 1-2 more and flushing for a week



Well-Known Member
Looking nice and healthy. Awesome work.
Thanks man. Crazy story behind these plants some probably wouldnt believe they have come this far. First grow.... got alot of knowledge spending hours reading this website. Took some time away from here and came back to post pics in final stage just want some imput on how much longer people think i can go.

Brick Top

New Member
What color are the trichomes? No matter how long you want to push them or grow them the perfect time to harvest is only dictated by trichome color and by nothing but trichome color. Plant size, yield, bud color, pistil color yellowing leaves or any other sign of maturing or any given number of days or weeks for flowering provided by breeders are not accurate enough to harvest by and be able to harvest when your plants THC levels have peaked.
Also, regardless of what anyone tells you after looking at pictures of your plants keep in mind what they say is at very best a rough guesstimate and should not be taken as being accurate advice to follow. No one, and I mean NO ONE can look at a typical picture and say plants are ready for harvest or they need a couple more days or a week or two and that is precisely when you will want to harvest to get the most from your plants. It is utterly impossible for anyone to do that with any consistency of even being close to accurate.
If someone can post ultra clear very close up pictures of their plants trichomes, on all levels of their plants – top, middle and bottom - where there is enough clarity that the true trichome color(s) can be seen even then the very most they can tell you as to when to harvest will be based totally on their personal preference for more of a head high or more of a couch-lock body stone that would be achieved by harvesting when the trichome colors would best give their personal preference.

Even in doing that they likely would still not be all that accurate since growing conditions and genetic differences will always factor in to some degree or another and what might be completely accurate in their growing conditions and for the genetics they grow or grew those things will be at least slightly different and possibly greatly different thus negating all they said.

In a case like that, with ultra clear close up pictures, if they really want to help you they will teach you what to look for so you yourself can decide when is best to harvest so your plants will then give you what you most prefer and not what they most prefer, or possibly inaccurately believe to be best.

Brick Top

New Member
The trichomes still milky some clear havent really seen amber ones.

If your trichomes are mostly to all being milky white/cloudy then they have reached their peak level of THC production. It they are not yet mostly milky white/cloudy then you have a short amount of time left to wait.

Once that happens you have a somewhat narrow window of opportunity to harvest while still at peak levels of THC.

Once the trichomes have become mostly amber to fully amber you have lost THC. That color change represents/shows that THC has begun to oxidize and turn into CBN.
So regardless of wanting to push your plants and feed them more and then flush them you are now right at the threshold of prime harvest time and you need to decide if you want more of a head high or more of a couch-lock body stone and then harvest according to what trichome color will give you what you most prefer even if that means not doing what you would still like to do because waiting that long might possibly transform your crop into being worth nothing more than compost.
Examine your trichome colors at least once a day, at this point twice a day would be better.

When the trichome color tells you your plants will give you what you most desire then harvest then the first chance you get after the following period of darkness.

That is unless you happen to check them first thing in the day and your lights have not yet turned on or have only been on for a very short period of time. In that case go ahead and whack ‘em then and there. If later in the day whack ‘em first thing the following morning before light hits them and one way to assure being able to do that is that night unplug your light(s) so if you do no get to them before the light(s) would otherwise have turned on your resin-heads will not have lost THC through degradation due to exposure to light rays.


Well-Known Member
If your trichomes are mostly to all being milky white/cloudy then they have reached their peak level of THC production. It they are not yet mostly milky white/cloudy then you have a short amount of time left to wait.

Once that happens you have a somewhat narrow window of opportunity to harvest while still at peak levels of THC.

Once the trichomes have become mostly amber to fully amber you have lost THC. That color change represents/shows that THC has begun to oxidize and turn into CBN.
So regardless of wanting to push your plants and feed them more and then flush them you are now right at the threshold of prime harvest time and you need to decide if you want more of a head high or more of a couch-lock body stone and then harvest according to what trichome color will give you what you most prefer even if that means not doing what you would still like to do because waiting that long might possibly transform your crop into being worth nothing more than compost.
Examine your trichome colors at least once a day, at this point twice a day would be better.

When the trichome color tells you your plants will give you what you most desire then harvest then the first chance you get after the following period of darkness.

That is unless you happen to check them first thing in the day and your lights have not yet turned on or have only been on for a very short period of time. In that case go ahead and whack ‘em then and there. If later in the day whack ‘em first thing the following morning before light hits them and one way to assure being able to do that is that night unplug your light(s) so if you do no get to them before the light(s) would otherwise have turned on your resin-heads will not have lost THC through degradation due to exposure to light rays.
These are outdoor plants im gonna check them today.


Well-Known Member
I Checked them just now most are milky some are still clear toward bottom none are arber yet. I would say roughly 60/40 between Milky and Clear.