How much longer till emergency harvest??


Active Member
So i didnt have as much time as i thought i did and will have to harvest these ladies by the end of the month. Sadly i have no organization and have no clue how long these have been growing. My guess would be atleast a month a month and a week if im optimistic. Will i even be able to get a meh harvest or did i just waste my time? Either way the taller plant is an auto pineapple express and the smaller one is a auto purple from pyramid seeds i believe. Ill add more pictures after a few responses :) btw these are growing via dwc with adv nute line bloom and grow. Got about 330 ppm with ph of 5.3 in each res. Thinking of just going full bloom and not using the grow nutes anymore. I need to hurry and am trying to make the best with the time i have now. Thank you :) more pics tommorow for sure and good ones



Well-Known Member
All you can do is go as long as you can OR maybe find a place outside to put them for a while to finish them off. You could just find a little out of the way place and dig a hole and put the plant - container and all in it. Might not be an option for you but that Pineapple Express is very enjoyable, at least what I grew was, it's a shame to not let it finish.


Active Member
Im growing using dwc. Not sure if i have any safe spaces outside. Im just wondering if 21 days will be enough to even get an oz from both plants. It is for sure a shame but i learned alot from this grow and have another two seeds waiting for the next round whenever that may be :) ill try scoping out an area though.


Well-Known Member
Yes sorry I just noticed that, you should get something but an oz/plant is doubtful. You can transplant them into a soil mixture though and go from there. The timing thing sucks, but not much you can do about it, seems like my PE autos went 70 days or so if that helps. On the bright side you got the grow part down and will have future crops. :???:


Well-Known Member
Sorry mate in 21 days you aren't going to have much at all! I agree with the above and try to stash or replant in soil outside somewhere. I would hate to see you try and smoke something after 3 weeks of flower. Yuck!


Well-Known Member
Shoot where u at I'll take 'em lol...
But seriously, yeah they are JUST starting to flower, if ya can't find some way to continue the grow, it's all but pointless...


Active Member
Damnnn that makes me sad :( thank you all for your input im gonna try to stealth grow it but not sure if ill be able to :/


Active Member
Hey friends update....i left for a week and she blew up shes so tall omfg. I have until the 8th so i wonder what theyll do in 17 days 20160621_172555.jpg 20160621_172711.jpg