How much longer 'til harvest?


Active Member
Hey everyone!

Thanks for all of your help....As a noob, I have learned an incredible amount from this forum, and first want to express my appreciation!

My first grow (in an Aerogarden) has been more for the learning experience and Ive expected a small yield amount. What an experience it has been!

I think I'm coming up on the end now, but need some help guesstimating how much longer I should wait.

Mind you, I have had my series of struggles...the room was cold early on, there are two plants in the small AG reservoir, a light collapsed on the tall one's cola, I didn't keep good notes etc don't think I'll harvest a lot, but I'm all right with that...for now!

Speaking of which...what's your thought on how much longer I have?




Well-Known Member
Looks indica mostly, 55 to 60 days..looks like their off to a good start..sounds good anyway..,must be this place i'm in, soft walls, everything is white..he..he..I'm so happy here....,:shock:...:peace:....:joint:



Active Member
Thanks for the feedback! I was way off in my estimation, and am happy about that. I thought I might be dropping nutes next week and starting to flush, but now I'll wait another couple of weeks before moving into the final phase. Perhaps my yield will be a bit better, although still not a lot!

As a noob, looking more for experience, I used the AG nutes, and haven't been good about documenting temps and humidity. In fact, I haven't done that at all. The room is in my basement, so the weather dips have impacted the grow negatively. It is also right next to a sump pump, so the humidity is likely pretty high.

I've been lucky though...2 plants from old bag seed, both girls and I have only had one nute scare early and one set of burnt leaves on the light...not to mention the whole light crashing down debacle.

I was very conservative in applying the nutes, but wasn't seeing anything, so I threw some AG starter nutes in and they got burned. I then retreated too far in the opposite direction, and waited a long time before re-introducing nutes. Now they are on a good schedule, and I get the process a LOT better.



Active Member
i got new pics under my gallery as of today may 27th it looks like its still in its vegative stage but getting ready so it can start flowering in a few weeks or less


Active Member
Now that about 4 weeks has passed, anyone think I should wait another week or two?

Oh yeah, the past two weeks I was unexpectedly pulled away for work, so i haven't been able to tend to them as planned! :x



Active Member
1 week roughly. the real indicator at this point will be the trichromes. you need to get a scope and take a look