How much longer for mini plant?(updated)


Mini plant is on day 65 flowering, mostly red hairs, and i think im really close to harvest, i cant look at my tricks because i have no scope so if u guys can tell me about how close i am, and if im going to do a dark period until harvest when should i start? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Doesn't look ready to me. What kind of lights and how much? If you are CFL they won't be really dense. But they look like they may still be growing. Maybe in their final boost of growth.


Active Member
Color of the trichomes my friend. We cant see the color of the trichomes from your picture. You want milky - not amber and not clear trichomes. When 70% of your plant has milky trichomes then its done.


Active Member
Great plant for a mini grow, a couple of weeks I think but best to get a magnifier, best one I got was an attachment for I-phone it was about 80x if I remember and only a couple of quid on e-bay. (You didn't have to have phone to use it)


growing with the three 23w cfls's, not expecting them to be very dense but damn I figured I was pretty close......


Well-Known Member
Get a scope. Or you could quick dry a sample bud and judge the readiness from that. If its good n stoney, start your harvest!