How much Longer? Fire OG, LE OG & Bagseed


Well-Known Member
So how much longer do you guys think?
all organic indicas

LE OG: Week 8

Fire OG: Week 6




Well-Known Member
sir, i comend you on your pic's!! they are amazing!!!! awsome camera!!

and by the look of the plant, i would say you have about 2...Maybe 3 weeks...

and that bagseed looks fire!!!.
and the bagseed looks like you have 3 maybe 4 weeks left..buds look like they could swell a lil bit more


Well-Known Member
yea this is my first outdoor grow it could have been better if i had a closer spot with more light but the spot i have nobody will be able to find unless they know its there so that kinda works.... but yea thanks

i got the bagseed from a friend i still have alot more they smell like snow-cap

and areant indicas supossed to be 8 week plants?


Well-Known Member
just going by what the plant is telling have the best guess of us can see your plant in person....but from the pics.....3weeks and your golden

but what you really need is a mag.scope 30xpower so you can see your trichomes up close


Well-Known Member
Yea I just checked the trics last night and I see a few amber on each bud how long after u start seeing amber does it usally take to get 50/50 ?


Well-Known Member
~2 more weeks~

-you can get a micrscope and look at the trichs. i harvest once the white hairs slow down and stop growing and like 80% or more of the hairs are brown. looks like you got an ok frost going on too :)