How much longer? Day 57 flowering of emerald strains


Well-Known Member
Emerald Jack day 57 and Grapefruit krush... How much longer do you guys think until chop day?IMG_20120319_223202.jpgIMG_20120320_140534.jpg


Well-Known Member
looks like a few more weeks, could be a bit sooner.
my hairs tend to be at least 50% colored(depends on the strain) when they are ready. i also chop a bit earlier than most people i know that grow.
if i see ANY amber trichs, and few clear, it gets chopped.


Well-Known Member
Yeah...a long time...3 weeks or so probably...I have a strain that finishes in 8 weeks or just under and the 22nd will be the start of week six and they are getting there...ya begin with you will start having more brown hairs than white, and then there will be very few white hairs if any at all, and then you check the trichs to see if they are truly done...but it looks like you have a good little bit...all the older hairs have turned orange on mine, but she is still spitting out new hairs so I know that the wait is not far off indeed...Super fast flowering on this girl...and it happens all at once really...seemingly. but I see few if any orange hairs whish to me is when the buds look their prettiest..when they have first started to fill pristine and white...but while nice to look at not so nice to wait for them to go a little


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the fast response guys! I guess I'll start flushing in ten days or so :)


Well-Known Member
ehhhh, if the plant needs to be fed then feed it, but my plants as they get closer to being done don't seem to need anything so I just give them plain water unless they look like they need something else...I have overnuted so much that I am a pro at spotting nute I don't give nutes more often then I do give them...plants really don't require as much as we think...and most of what i use is pretty slow release, so it is still in there even at the need to keep adding sometimes, but not necessarily because of a need to flush....I mean outdoor plants aren't "flushed" So unless you are using a lot of harsh chemical nutes then I wouldn't worry too much about that...and in soil it is just easier to amend the soil organically...way easier... but not really as fun...and kinda grosser...aww jeez...I'm getting far off topic here and probably a little behind too I am going to stop this and just say that it is not always necessary to flush, some people do and some people don't...and most people can't tell the difference...I guess if you were using like too much and harvested while they were still like having too much it might be an issue...dammit I have no idea if that was helpful or not...turns out that when I use the whip thing on the vape I am not doing something right...or long enough...or something...anyway I will just like not feel anything, and then I remember oh yeah...that is why I just wait for the bag...sometimes it is a hassle and I don't want to deal with the bag...anyway...went back to the bag and BAM! Can't type without rambling...