How much longer are we thinking? Check her out :)


Active Member
My guess would be about 7-10 more days of straight water feedings, yellow up them fans. Could be wrong as I have no idea the strain but it looks like lotsa fresh pistils. She looks nice!

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
My opinion you have about 2.5 more weeks to go. I would feed for 10 more days then just water for 8 more days. Check your trichomes with a scope to be sure instead of taking OUR word for it. You asking how far do WE think your gonna get some many different times


Well-Known Member
"You asking how far do WE think your gonna get some many different times" makes me think of -
are we there yet ?
I gotta go to the bathroom.
How much longer ?



Well-Known Member
There is no real way to tell just by looking at a picture of your buds, for all anyone on here knows they could already be done. I'd recommend going to radioshack and picking yourself up a pocket microscope for $10

Jim Dwayne

New Member
I'm not sure. But damn that looks nice. One newbie to the next; I'm jealous. I'm going to check your profile out now..hopefully you kept it up to date.



Well-Known Member
IMO- 2 more weeks or so.
But like was mentioned, you need to look at the Trichromes, and make the call to harvest when the Trichromes look good.


Just a note:-I called Radio Shack and they do not carry the scopes anymore. Just saying that's what I was told about the scopes they used to sell. So I ordered the 420 scope, and it's SUPER HARD to get it to focus!


Active Member
Yo need to get on ebay and buy one of those 100x pocket scopes so you can really look at the trichs. At first they are clear, then milky, then amber. You wanna harvest when you have mainly milky and amber. Yours isn't done. Prolly 2 or 3 weeks away. Resist the temptation and leave em till then.