How Much Longer? and y r leaves yellowing?

im in almost 4 months.. (including veg) been flowering for roughly 13weeks. i unfortunately have extremely low temps at night.. >55 degrees. i live in mn and were having 50 below nights. all winter!.


Well-Known Member
just trying to get a opinion. how much longer does everyone think? also fan leaves are turning yellow im pretty sure its suppose to do that. just making sure it looks right. probably just being nervous. let me know thanks
First off looks good except... flowering for 13 weeks...Say honest to Gawd.... sorry....
Yellowing cause by Unbalanced Nutes/Soil deficient/wrong NPK values etc...

Plant is pretty small, but over all healthy...
Is it Root Bound? Four months in that pot?


Well-Known Member
13 weeks yeah thats ok i did some a wile back in winter with no heater it does slow shit down abit and ur in soil aswell i see man be honest i would give it about 2 weeks more and start to flush it should start to darken on ya hopfully


Well-Known Member
im shes still to young to harvest.another 3 weeks id normally say but with the heat problem I dunno. shes still to young to cut.
its a OG KUSH and yeah its pretty small i dont have much for height especially with the hps. i only have about 6ft from the ground to the bottom of the light max so i used a smaller pot to make sure it didnt get too big. my mistake
First off looks good except... flowering for 13 weeks...Say honest to Gawd.... sorry....
Yellowing cause by Unbalanced Nutes/Soil deficient/wrong NPK values etc...

Plant is pretty small, but over all healthy...
Is it Root Bound? Four months in that pot?
sand what do you suggest i do with the yellowing?


Well-Known Member
PH has nothing to do with what you're experiencing. Odds are that you're feeding bloom nutes that are low or lacking in N. Go with a more balanced NPK....say 20-20-20 and no further yellowing should occur.

Yes, the cold temps will slow down your growth rate. Some sativas can take 14 weeks before ready (your's are not, and I agree that you have 2 weeks to go).


Yellowing of the leaves is normal as you approach harvest, nitrogen will get depleted as the plant nears its death. The flower looks pretty good. Size will depend on a number of factors, including genetics. I wouldn't add anymore nitrogen, it will give you a harsh smoke. You should actually consider cutting back on nutrients as you near harvest, maybe run plain RO water for last 2 weeks to flush any remaining nutes out.


Well-Known Member
Looks great, almost ready to go you could prolly get away with just water till harvest, but she does look a little n def


Well-Known Member
i wouldent add N bro she is flower and it will yellow no mater and by looking at them last picks full of resin i would flush right now every day with fresh clean water and pull in a weeks time but hey thats just me im keen for a smoke


how much longer?..

when you see amber tichs..
how many weeks have the plants been under 12/12 lighting?