how much light??


Hi. I'm new to this but read alot of books and I read "Ask Ed" by Ed Rosenthol and he says that marijuana plants are one of the only plants that dont need darkness. So my plants are on a 24 hour light regimen. My question is this, if I do have them on a 24 hour light cycle whats the most light i can give them to bud?
The "most" is a question that invites a lot of differing opinions... The simple answer is to go 12/12... It's used by almost every grower around the world. Why would you even wanna go against that? There is some that start at 15/9 and work their way down to 12/12 in an attempt to mimic mother nature... Havent tried it but Im sure it works just as well... My opinion is 12/12 all the way through flower! That said I go with 24-36 hours darkness before I switch to 12/12 in an attempt to jump start the process! Honestly dont know if it has a lasting effect and it is openly debated among growers...


Well-Known Member
If you will keep them all their life on 24/, that's the vegetative program, they will grow and grow and grow, you will end up with a tree. Think that once you will consider in puting them to the flowering stage, the plant will double++ in size.

In the photosynthesis process itself, there is a reaction known as 'dark reaction' pathway or lately known as 'carbon reaction' pathway where the free energy of ATP and reducing power of NADPH, are used to fix and reduce CO2 to form carbohydrate. This is very important process to release Oxygen into the air. This happened in the dark or at night.

Secondly, for inducing the plant to initiate flowering process. This phenomena is known as photoperiod, ie based on the ratio of the daylength to night length over 24 hours. Plants reaction to photoperiod can be divided into 4 groups.

a. Day-neutral plants - the plants has no effect on photoperiod, They will flower when the plant reach physiological maturity.

b. Short day plants - plants will only flowering when daylength is shorter than nightlength. This group of plants will only flower in late summer or fall or very early spring, when day length is shorter than the night period. e.g. strawberries, potatoes, chrysanthemums etc.

c. Long day plants - Plant that flower in spring or early summer. eg lettuce, spinach, radish etc. Flower initiation will begin when the daylength is getting longer than the dark period.

d. Intermediate day plants - These group of plants will grow vegetatively when daylength is either too long or too short. They will only flower when the day length is about 12hrs of daylight and 12 hrs of darkness.

So...what type of weed are you growing?


I am trying to grow from seed, i have no idea what i am doing have tried 3 seeds but all sprouts died after 4 weeks. tips suggestions? Just using a typical plant grow light. suggestions for first time grower?


I have four different strains. one is jack heror, cannalope kush, white widow/big bud cross, and an afghani


Well-Known Member
I am trying to grow from seed, i have no idea what i am doing have tried 3 seeds but all sprouts died after 4 weeks. tips suggestions? Just using a typical plant grow light. suggestions for first time grower?
Suggestion for a first time grower..........
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