How much light is too much light?


Active Member
I'm thinking about running one 1000w HPS and one 1000w MH at the same time along with an extra 270 watts of HPS and 310 fluro's (better without it?) from a few smaller bulbs I've already purchased..... do you think that'd be too much for 30 or 40 in a bedroom or could I go with even more?


Active Member
also, if any of you know anything I don't please tell me cause this will be my first grow. tryin to get at least a couple ounces a plant or so.


Active Member
Yes you can definately go more i use to run 4 1000w HPS in a 10x10 bed room as long as you have fan power to get hot air out and fresh air in you can.


Active Member
Oooo i did not see that it is your first grow..... Umm i would not necessairly recommend 40 i might go 20 or 25 with those two lights and shoot for a p a light if you get that you did good work and double your size once you have reaped the benefits of the first


Well-Known Member
100w per ppant is the best i heard, but like 50 is okay even too and like anything below blows dick

but there is a thing of too much ight, it causes white bleaching similiar to leaf burns that can often be misdiangnosed as a virus or nute burn or some other problem whoms remedy could adversely affect the overall yield


Well-Known Member
If you use cool tubes and bring in your air via an inline fan and ducting, pass it through the cool tubes and evacuate out of the room you may be able to keep temps down. Im assuming you have a carbon filter as well? It will need to be able to evacuate all the air in that room in about 5 minutes as well as passively pull in new air from an outside source.

The worst thing you want is to have to have the 1000s so high up to reduce heat, that your plants arent getting the max lumens per square foot and youre tipping kilo watts of power down the drain rather than utilizing them.

Other thing is be careful with some of those CFLs, some of them dont like being mixed in with 1000 watt HIDs, the ballasts on the screw end of the CFLs will sometimes overheat and even burn. Best to use them down low and out of the direct line of fire from the 1000 watters.


Active Member
If you use cool tubes and bring in your air via an inline fan and ducting, pass it through the cool tubes and evacuate out of the room you may be able to keep temps down. Im assuming you have a carbon filter as well? It will need to be able to evacuate all the air in that room in about 5 minutes as well as passively pull in new air from an outside source.

The worst thing you want is to have to have the 1000s so high up to reduce heat, that your plants arent getting the max lumens per square foot and youre tipping kilo watts of power down the drain rather than utilizing them.

Other thing is be careful with some of those CFLs, some of them dont like being mixed in with 1000 watt HIDs, the ballasts on the screw end of the CFLs will sometimes overheat and even burn. Best to use them down low and out of the direct line of fire from the 1000 watters.
awesome, thank you. nah I don't have a carbon filter man I really don't know what I'm doing, gonna be my first grow just trying to figure out the best shit I need to get. how much do fans usually cost/how many would I need? how far should I keep the lights from my plants?


Active Member
If you use cool tubes and bring in your air via an inline fan and ducting, pass it through the cool tubes and evacuate out of the room you may be able to keep temps down. Im assuming you have a carbon filter as well? It will need to be able to evacuate all the air in that room in about 5 minutes as well as passively pull in new air from an outside source.

The worst thing you want is to have to have the 1000s so high up to reduce heat, that your plants arent getting the max lumens per square foot and youre tipping kilo watts of power down the drain rather than utilizing them.

Other thing is be careful with some of those CFLs, some of them dont like being mixed in with 1000 watt HIDs, the ballasts on the screw end of the CFLs will sometimes overheat and even burn. Best to use them down low and out of the direct line of fire from the 1000 watters.
awesome, thank you. nah I don't have a carbon filter man I really don't know what I'm doing, gonna be my first grow just trying to figure out the best shit I need to get. how much do fans usually cost/how many would I need? how far should I keep the lights from my plants?


Well-Known Member
if this is your first grow keep it simple.

veg with the 1000w mh, flower with 1000w hps.

you should be able to an LB like this. the reason i say this is because heating issues suck and are a pain in the ass because they require handyman skills and quite frankly it's a pain in the ass, so have fun do yourself a favor and take it easy your first grow 1000w is ambitious for first grow anyways... and you wno't do everything right it's a guarantee.

don't rush man take the time learn the ropes. you'll be a lot happier... it's more fun looking at the plants than constantly having to fix and adjust things.

also all those fans and shit will get expensive. an inline fan for one of those lights is upwards of 150 bucks, plus all the ducting and shit you're looking at spending a lot of dough before you've even made any! trust me once you finish this grow you'll know EXACTLY what to do differently next time...

if the lights are cooltubed you can get them pretty close the plants, with a 1000w i'd say a foot or so for a mature plant 2.5+ ft for seedlings/clones. and definitely cooltube them. if they aren't you might have to keep them 2ft+ away and then you are just wasting a lot of that beautiful light

how many plants are you gonna have, are you starting from clone or seed? what variety plants are you using? what soil/hydro do you intend to use? what nutes are you getting? what size containers you using? there's a lot of little details to arrange before you start growing.


Active Member
if this is your first grow keep it simple.

veg with the 1000w mh, flower with 1000w hps.

you should be able to an LB like this. the reason i say this is because heating issues suck and are a pain in the ass because they require handyman skills and quite frankly it's a pain in the ass, so have fun do yourself a favor and take it easy your first grow 1000w is ambitious for first grow anyways... and you wno't do everything right it's a guarantee.

don't rush man take the time learn the ropes. you'll be a lot happier... it's more fun looking at the plants than constantly having to fix and adjust things.

also all those fans and shit will get expensive. an inline fan for one of those lights is upwards of 150 bucks, plus all the ducting and shit you're looking at spending a lot of dough before you've even made any! trust me once you finish this grow you'll know EXACTLY what to do differently next time...

if the lights are cooltubed you can get them pretty close the plants, with a 1000w i'd say a foot or so for a mature plant 2.5+ ft for seedlings/clones. and definitely cooltube them. if they aren't you might have to keep them 2ft+ away and then you are just wasting a lot of that beautiful light

how many plants are you gonna have, are you starting from clone or seed? what variety plants are you using? what soil/hydro do you intend to use? what nutes are you getting? what size containers you using? there's a lot of little details to arrange before you start growing.
this is exactly the type of post I was looking for, thank you.

I'm probably gonna try and go with 30 plants in 5 rows of 6 in a bedroom and get 3 different types of feminized seeds from a good website, if you happen to know one that'd be great. I plan on using FoxFarm Ocean Forest for soil and Happy Frog Bat Guano for nutes... not sure if I need more? 5 gal. containers.


Well-Known Member
this is your first grow and your assuming to do 30-40 plants?
Come on man, reduce your expectations and go smaller. Do you have these lights already or are you just imagining? Get 1 1000 or something and pick a closet.... it aint like your feeding an army...
Jeex if you were capable of doing an Operation that big you wouldnt need anyone to figure it out for you...Id say do a few your first time out and then when your use to the rodeo move up to more...
30-40 your first time will most likely result in 30-40 dead plants and a waste of seed.

big britches sink ships just like loose lips

go smaller and look into a 400 or 600 watter and a small closet first.


Well-Known Member
if this is your first grow keep it simple.

veg with the 1000w mh, flower with 1000w hps.

you should be able to an LB like this. the reason i say this is because heating issues suck and are a pain in the ass because they require handyman skills and quite frankly it's a pain in the ass, so have fun do yourself a favor and take it easy your first grow 1000w is ambitious for first grow anyways... and you wno't do everything right it's a guarantee.

don't rush man take the time learn the ropes. you'll be a lot happier... it's more fun looking at the plants than constantly having to fix and adjust things.

also all those fans and shit will get expensive. an inline fan for one of those lights is upwards of 150 bucks, plus all the ducting and shit you're looking at spending a lot of dough before you've even made any! trust me once you finish this grow you'll know EXACTLY what to do differently next time...

if the lights are cooltubed you can get them pretty close the plants, with a 1000w i'd say a foot or so for a mature plant 2.5+ ft for seedlings/clones. and definitely cooltube them. if they aren't you might have to keep them 2ft+ away and then you are just wasting a lot of that beautiful light

how many plants are you gonna have, are you starting from clone or seed? what variety plants are you using? what soil/hydro do you intend to use? what nutes are you getting? what size containers you using? there's a lot of little details to arrange before you start growing.
Dude, listen to this man. +REP for Jesus420:peace:

Heck, start with a few CFLs, some bagseed and dixie cups. Just concentrate on getting one or two seedlings up and growing.

While your seedlings are growing, set up to be able to repot into flowering containers and fertilize your plants.

While vegging in flowering containers set up to flower.

As your op progresses you will know much better what you need next, and be able to ask specific questions about your grow. A nice hydro set-up costs 2-3 grand to set up, soil ops somewhat less. Sounds like you have cash, spend it wisely.