how much LED watts to grow autoflowers]


Active Member
Im ginna buy some LED's fir my next grow, what is the minimum i can get away with and still flower some autos?????????????I.Y.O. nof course


Well-Known Member
Depend`s on what led`s your buying mate

you can finish a pretty big size plant under 50w of led but with auto`s you could try going as low as 30w per plant but remember most led lights are rated as the power of the leds fitted to them and not the actual power the leds are being driven at.

Another tip, keep auto`s under low light for the 1st week or so

I really pushed the last batch I did and they went into flower so quick that they did not get a chance to grow as big as I`d have liked.

Saying that I was testing how well a light set up I had would induce flowering so I guess the test was a success


You definitely have to keep an eye out regarding the actual led wattage. Even the big companies advertise at almost double the actual power output.