How Much Is Too Much?


So i have been reading about all of these salts and nutrients are so important for the plant to reach its full potential. From epsom salt to perlite. I plan on using Fox Farm Ocean Forest and maybe even a little Promix and luckily both os these have most of the nutrients already in them. I was reading though that because of the rain waters naturally low ph level i will probably need to add dolomite lime to balance it out and will also need epsom salt for magnesium. My question is with all this stuff(the ocean forest, epsom salt, dolomite, AND the fox farm trio pack nutes), is it all just too much? or completely necessary if i want my plants to grow as big as possible?


Well-Known Member
Good soil and some nutes is generally enough, I would only use epson salts if a diffeciency occurs but with ff trio pack you'll likely be fine.

Do you plan on growing in pots or ground? Either way I don't think dolomite is necessary.


Active Member
Mixing the dolomite into your soil mix really can't be a bad idea. Instead of a ph up or down you should look at the dolomite as a ph buffer. I get the pellets and mix it into my soil mix. I usually don't start watering with the Epsom salts until a week or two before flowering.

I added worm castings to my fox farms soil at 1 part worm castings to 5 parts soil and perlite at the same ratio with a cup of the dolomite per cubic ft of mix and didn't need to add nutes for around 2 months.