How much is realistic?


Well-Known Member
giv him a break man,,,,, have none of yous ever started a thread because u wanted info on a subject??? i say yes u have,,
so if i seen your thread and knew all the answers u needed to know would u expect me to give u a load ov jipp for asking or would u want answers, if not answers then an explination?


New Member
I Haven't Asked A Question On Here That Was Really Stupid. But I Admit I Have Asked Questions That I Should Get The Shit Kicked Out Of Me For Asking In The Past.

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
The most crucial factor in guessing yield is based on the number of and sizes of the plant.

Had to jump on that answer because I believe the most crucial thing is the lighting and it doesnt mater about plant numbers.

My rule of thumb for my setup is 1lbs for every 600 watt light which has been a very consistant estimate for me because I have always achieved higher numbers than that.


Well-Known Member
yea agreed,, sort ov..u cant expect 1lb per 600w on every different strain u grow.
it dont matter how big or how many plants u have if the enviroment aint good ,,

1 plant in a good enviroment could yeild more than
10 plants in a shit enviroment,,

good temps/humidity/airflow and lighting is the key,, then all that can go wrong is over/under watering/feeding wich for noobs will probly happen at some point during your first grow,,,

basicly get the plants enviroment right and use common sense and its as easy as watching a movie,, (half baked)
watched it the other night for the first time and its bangon, propper stoner film

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
yea agreed,, sort ov..u cant expect 1lb per 600w on every different strain u grow.
it dont matter how big or how many plants u have if the enviroment aint good ,,

1 plant in a good enviroment could yeild more than
10 plants in a shit enviroment,,

good temps/humidity/airflow and lighting is the key,, then all that can go wrong is over/under watering/feeding wich for noobs will probly happen at some point during your first grow,,,

basicly get the plants enviroment right and use common sense and its as easy as watching a movie,, (half baked)
watched it the other night for the first time and its bangon, propper stoner film

I do expect to get a minimum of 1lbs per 600w with every grow I do regardless of strain because thats the way I choose to grow and they are the minimum numbers from previous grows in the same setup. If I get any less than that I will be very disapointed in myself and the way my current grow is looking I could just be in for some disapointment. Which does come down to some of the reasons you mentioned as I have been very lazy this time round and havnt cared for them too much. I need a holiday lol


Well-Known Member
u see that plant in the pic above ur last post,,,lol,,,, sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet,,

im gettin a ferry to the dam in sept,, all booked up 60pound thats all,, ill find me own accomodation,,lol in a bush high as a mofo

M Blaze

Well-Known Member
That thing is tall as and its not even budding yet. If only I was allowed to grow trees like that outside.

Hmmm maybe I might move to a 2 story house and see what I could do with the ceiling height in that lol


Well-Known Member
Well If You Want To Grow Weed You Probably Know A Little About It.
Lol which forum are you on?

A thirty second search found me this beaut of a thread:

I just don't understand why its right to give him a "good ripping". Its not like he has to be put in his place so he doesn't waste anyone's time. The question is obvious from the thread title. So if you think that's a stupid question then why answer the thread? Do you like to berate people? Do you feel some moral obligation to constrain people to the questions you think should be asked?
If people do not realize they are doing wrong and no one tells them then they will still keep doing it. If he keeps on doing it then he will come to rely on other people and not use his own brain.

The question was obvious from the title but he wrote like two sentences, not much to go on.

I answered the thread after I saw all the drama and wanted to get stuck in to the debate ^.^

I don't make it a habit of prowling for newbies and giving them hell lol. Or berating them.

I feel like I have a moral obligation to discuss both sides of any argument. People are always so quick to jump on the bandwagon.

As I said before if the question had been phrased a lot better and with a bit of effort then I'm sure the guy would have had a much better response.

Why should people waste time helping someone who wont even put effort into asking?

giv him a break man,,,,, have none of yous ever started a thread because u wanted info on a subject??? i say yes u have,,
so if i seen your thread and knew all the answers u needed to know would u expect me to give u a load ov jipp for asking or would u want answers, if not answers then an explination?
I made a couple of threads when I first started to grow, in fact here they are.

Those are two very newb questions but I would have no problem answering a question if it was done like that. In fact I would get a kick out of helping someone with their first couple grows.

By the way, how is my grammar? I just thought I would ask, since your is so fine.
Your grammar is wicked but some spaces between sentences would make things look a lot neater.

(Just to add, I actually looked at this thread originally because the OPs name is very similar to mine lol.)


New Member
I Believe I'm On The Rollitup Forum??? Am I Correct? Im Tripping On LSA And High (High Not Stoned) On Weed. A Little Buzzed. Hard To Tell.


Well-Known Member
Yes you are on riu.

Is lsa the same as lsd? Cos if so acid is WICKED, makes you think some crazy shit man.

Be carefull smoking weed tho cos acid makes you immune to it and you can smoke half an ounce before you even realise it :S


Well-Known Member
Its so hard to tell without knowing the strain of your bud. Are you growing sativas? What are you using to grow?

I've been using the same soil, fertilizer, light for both of my plants and one turned out to be over 2 ounces while the over barely reached an ounce.
That's where all the variance comes from.

It also depends on how tall you let your plants grow and at what time you start to flower. I was just like you when I started growing - always trying to find out in advance what the yield might be. Like I said, there's just too much variance. I'm not mad at you though and I don't think that you're asking stupid questions. But do some research and you will soon be able to figure out on your own :)