How much $$$ have you spent on grow equipment?

Well forgot my dehueys lol love this thread. 5600. I use it all too. Not i cluding little stuff like tubing and pvc work, tools what not. Its awesome, I could have nothing if I just bought from store. Instead I am the store. Happy growing!
A generator is a legit part of it and I forget the cords cost about as much as the generator which was un expected. So yea 6k. I havent used it yet but I will.
Looks like my wife resurrected this topic.
The first thing about growing club money is no one talks about growing club money.
I have a few left over things from hobbies. One of my fears is that she sells all the stuff for what I told her I paid for it after I die.

But I have spent $1700 and I have everything but soil for 6 more grows.
This includes a $350 detour into hydro...........