How much grams of weed I need to make edables and get me super stoned?

Well, if your flower is 15% thc, and you got 100% extraction (which ain't gonna happen), then 6 gm will get you 900 mg of thc. Split that 5 ways and you have 180 mg/person.

That will put most moderate users on their tails for a while. Best bet is to do an individual test batch and try before you fly....... ;)
I wish that edibles worked on me...I have made a lot of 'em...cookies, brownies...I've used it in food...but for some reason, I have NEVER gotten stoned off them...I will admit that I've had some great nights sleeping, and sleeping deep, that is the only way that it helps me. I've made a batch of cookies, followed the recipes for making edibles...and nothing. It's kinda depressing for me that everyone else it helps during the day, but not me. And if your wondering how much I used...I use about an ounce and a half to make the better, decarb it and them put it in the food..I used about half of the butter, cause I love the taste of weed, and I've eaten the ENTIRE batch before...NOTHING.
I' guessing depends on the digestive system but for you case you better off smoking it
Two weeks ago I ate one of my brownies. 20 minutes later I reached into a bowl and pulled out 2 cookies, popped 'em down the hatch without thinking about it. I smoke every day so I figured it wouldn't be an issue.

I seriously thought that I had broken my brain for about 6hrs lol. Crazy shit. Never again will I get that careless.
Well, if your flower is 15% thc, and you got 100% extraction (which ain't gonna happen), then 6 gm will get you 900 mg of thc. Split that 5 ways and you have 180 mg/person.

That will put most moderate users on their tails for a while. Best bet is to do an individual test batch and try before you fly....... ;)
Holly crap what if it' %25 thc?
Every time I eat edibles I'm high for 24 hours or more.
My edibles are stronger than the Hulk lol
I been smoking a lot of ghost train haze lately.
Out of the 15 strains I have right now I seem to always grab the ghost lol
everyone is different in how it affects them.
Some get floored on 25 mg....thats around 1/4 of a grain of white rice in size. Of Cannabis oil.
An OZ of herb contains anywhere from 3 to 7 grams of oil with the average around 5 grams per ounce. a gram is 1000 mg for all intensive purposes ;)
5000 mg divided by how many edible you want wiil give you a dosage in mg's amount per brownie.. cookie...gummy..etc,,
so an oz of herb in 24 brownies..

only an example but.....

5000/24= 208 mg per brownie.... or so..if 5 grams was in the herb you used..could be more or less..
That's enough to put most people in a place they don't want to be... lol
When I do Edibles it takes a long time to get off and half the time I forget I took it then I'm grabbing my chest thinking I'm having a freaking heart attack forget about it ..and this last batch was all primo bud, 1 oz to 1 lb butter, could only eat half a cookie safely, no more! :hug:o_O
I basically use 1 gram per 1oz of coconut oil.. 16 grams in 2 cups.. A one cup recipe has 8 grams...
Makes sixteen 1/2 gram dosed brownies... Just right for me but most eat half a one..
I would love to know what you guys are doing that I'm not...edibles do shit for me...except give me a good nights rest....that's about all...I can eat about 1/4 pound of butt done with an ounce of bud...still no effect....high tolerance? Or it just doesn't effect me that way...
I would love to know what you guys are doing that I'm not...edibles do shit for me...except give me a good nights rest....that's about all...I can eat about 1/4 pound of butt done with an ounce of bud...still no effect....high tolerance? Or it just doesn't effect me that way...

High tolerance perhaps. I make my cookies at over 200mg and I get a decent buzz for about 4 hours. For both myself and my wife it is more of a sleep aid because regardless of what I ingest I still smoke 2-5g/day. I did a 150g gummy last week and ended up have a cookie later anyway. Two cookies will often have the wife and I saying silly shit and laughing out heads off for a bit. I take .5, .75. or 1.0 gram of oil occasionally but it has a negative effect on my balance due to my MS. Eating versus smoking is a different high, more of a body stone. It is really nice when you mix them as you get the best of both worlds.:twisted:
Depends if you want to walk, run, or fly. .3 gram per edible for a good walk, .5 for a good run, .7 to 1 gram to fly. Can hit anywhere between 1 and 8 hours sometimes even longer but thats me.