How much for a pound near you?

Thanks man!… it was fun, but when it got bad… it got bad. I just grow for fun now. I got 9 plants going so Paige and her girlfriends have plenty of supply. I don’t smoke that much myself. She gets worried when we get down to 6 lbs on hand. :D

I feel ya. I don't smoke at all. Just not a fan. My brother is thoroughly enjoying my hobby though. That said, once I get shit dialed in and get a little surplus, I'm going to figure out how the hell to make oil for edibles.
I feel ya. I don't smoke at all. Just not a fan. My brother is thoroughly enjoying my hobby though. That said, once I get shit dialed in and get a little surplus, I'm going to figure out how the hell to make oil for edibles.
Oh yeah for sure!.. I make oil for my 76 year old dad… keeps his A1C in check. I got 2 high CBD strains going right now. I may start taking it for body maintenance once it’s done.

The simplest way is to decarb using an Adrent then make canna coconut oil in a Magical Butter Machine. Use your coco oil by itself or in recipies.


I've got an ECRU Anda magical butter machine on the way. Gonna try the ecru a time or two, but after hearing of someone's experience on here I'm pretty sure I'll be returning it. The magical butter machine comes with the silicone box and thermometer for decarbing so I'm hoping that works well and then I don't even need to mess with the ECRU
I can't count how many fellow growers that have shut down... Dispensary Owners too. It's just gotten out of control, over regulated, and just a real pain in the ass. Just grow your own. I got lbs. in storage and 9 growing.. we'll never run out. Hell, when I was younger, I would have killed for what I would sweep off the floor after a trim team came through and just tossed in the trash.

So is this weed for like around $500 a pound that people talk about on here any good? I'm thinking about shutting down bc I found somewhere that I can get it for like $1000 a pound, but don't know the quality of it. They said it was good, but is it good and consistent. I need very good I guess.
Pretty much worthless here currently. Even LP’s will start to lose money if it comes down anymore. $50 zips all day around here, and that’s AAA stuff too. People would rather buy 2 of those zips for a $100 then get quads for $100 a zip

Where is this? I'm selling my homegrown really good stuff for $240 a zip to a few friends... Gonna be done growing for a while, bc I ran into PM and other issues. Need a break too, non-stop for 8 years.
A lot of people around are stopping. I'm hearing whispers that prices are starting to go back up. Not skyrise up, but better than what we're used to seeing in the past 12 months. Hopefully it's good enough to keep the strong going. I'm fortunate to have a good broker now and almost always move product, but I'm hoping everyone can win.

Is the stuff you get from the broker great? I'm probably done growing bc of my first issues with PM in 8 years... I've been told about 1k a pound, but I don't know if its good. Got to buy a few lbs though I guess.
do you want to be known as the guy with good bud or great bud? If the answer is the former then get ready for someone with great bud to come in and take over some of your business.
Where is this? I'm selling my homegrown really good stuff for $240 a zip to a few friends... Gonna be done growing for a while, bc I ran into PM and other issues. Need a break too, non-stop for 8 years.
Man where are you from that you can get 240/zip I could only hope for that $ per
Guess the 'green rush' has had its day. Governments thought they were going to rake in big bucks as did plenty of growers on that fantasy. Instead they both messed it up with crazy high taxes and stacks of product.

Meanwhile us craft growers who grow for ourselves can discover all the strains that turned out excellent but mismarketed into failure. I just picked up as a freebie some seeds that were supposed to sell for $325 for 7 seeds. This is the second strain I found like this in a year.
Anyone in MD know the local street prices? I don’t deal but sometimes people ask when I’m walking my roommates’ dogs and I do be broke sometimes :sad:
People that are older in small towns that don't know anyone else.... Why do you grow?
Can you elaborate where this is? I wanna move there and set up shop.
Those are prices i have not seen in a long time.
240/zip? I don’t sell zips either but thats prob a solid 2500 for pounds around there. I miss those days around here. Hated when it went down to that low but man what i’d do with 2500 a lb these days
Can you elaborate where this is? I wanna move there and set up shop.
Those are prices i have not seen in a long time.
240/zip? I don’t sell zips either but thats prob a solid 2500 for pounds around there. I miss those days around here. Hated when it went down to that low but man what i’d do with 2500 a lb these days
Same man I have a hard time getting 1000-1200 for indoor fml back in the day I could get 3-4