How much electricity hydroponics use?

The general rule was that you can run an extra 1000W for each bedroom in the house without attracting attention.

US people are very lucky about that rule. In Europe people use a lot less electricity. Probably 300W for each bedroom is ok for Europe, but I have no idea about that.

If someone has an apartment with 2 bedrooms. Usually people pay $40 - $80 / month for that (Europe).
If they put more 300Wx 2 bedrooms = 1 HPS light 600W = +$60 / month, it is already paying 2x what most people pay.

Probably utilities or police only do something if 5 x + regular electricity bill.
5 X regular utility bill is $60 personal use (computer, lights, ...), 2 HPS 600W (+$120), +1200W vegging ligths, pumps, fans, heating, ... (+$120) = $300/month , 5X regular use $60/month
But I would never do it, so much electricity, very risky!
But I have no idea if is really risky or not. Probably a lot of people here are doing it for years and years and no problem. They have 2 or 3 HPS inside an apartment!
I'm lucky where I am smart meters are not working yet (they put them on the houses, but because the network system is not working yet, it is the same as old meters)
And I already ordered cobs (half the price of quantum boards)
It sounds like you just want a small personal grow so I wouldn't worry too much about it. With cobs you can grow plenty of pot without attracting any attention as long as you control the stink. I wouldn't want to grow in an apartment or even a normal suburban neighbourhood. My closest neighbour is about 500m away and not downwind of the normal western breeze here so I still haven't unwrapped the big carbon filter I bought 2 years ago.