New Member
Yea, another way to put it is 24 1,000 watt lights = 24 kwatts/hr. You run 24KWH an hour X .17 = $4.08/hr to run your lights. That like running 8 heat pumps.
Also consider you would need to get another service installed because you will exceed the supplied 200 amp service point. You try this setup and you are toast. Why so big? Segregate your grow. If you were to generate your own power you would need a pro to install/wire which means yet another person knows about your grow. Why are you battin with the big boys when you haven't even been in the pee-wee league yet? UR way over your head
re-read IAMS5toned warning:
Also consider you would need to get another service installed because you will exceed the supplied 200 amp service point. You try this setup and you are toast. Why so big? Segregate your grow. If you were to generate your own power you would need a pro to install/wire which means yet another person knows about your grow. Why are you battin with the big boys when you haven't even been in the pee-wee league yet? UR way over your head

re-read IAMS5toned warning:
if your running more than 7000w continuous, you really need to have a seperate electrical service and meterbase.
the reason being is that power companies pay for there power just like we do, and a sudden jump in cionsumption at a location that has used a lower amount over a period of time (like if you suddenly added a cpl 1000 watts) raises a red flag to the power company, because it looks like (to the power company) that there has been an equipment failure. power companies have been in business for almost a century now, and they have there residential consumption algorithims down to a fine science. they have a really good idea how much power per sq foot a building uses... so when they see a sudden jump, they think somethings wrong. id bet a paycheck the first time the power comapny came out, they were looking for signs of 'tracking' tracking is a visual evidence of electrical bleed off... they wanted to make sure you were actually using the power so they can bill you for it. they found no tracking, so in order to be safe, they switched out the meterbase. this is common protocol, its cheaper to change a meterbase than be sued for faulty equipment burning down your house. when you switched back to your old lighting, the jump in consumption went away, so they stopped looking for it.
the power company has much better things to do than to chase down growers. mainly there worried about a)covering there own ass, b) maintaining there grid, and finally c) that no one is running illegal taps.
one of the slickest things you can do is register a business at your address. businesses use machines that use alot more power than any household equipment.... register a business, they might not look so hard next time.... just a hint