How much dry popcorn is optimal in 5 gallon bags?


Well-Known Member
I have 9 oz of small popcorn buds and 1 lb of trim. I'm going to put them in a small cement mixer I bought just for making hash. It will easily fit 5 gallons of ice, water and trim. I'm going to let it run about 20 minutes and the pour into the bags and drain. I have made hash before with a drill and paint mixer and by hand with a wooden spoon and had great results but never more than 4 oz of trim at a time. Now I have much more trim and a lot more coming every month so that's why I'm trying out the mixer.

Does any one know the maximum amount of dry frozen trim to use in the bags each run with this kind of a set up?


Active Member
Dont run 1000 grams if your pouring from the mixer into a 5 gal work bag!!! That will be WAY WAY too much material considering your already talking about adding 5 gal of ice that would also have to fit in the work bag along with your material... think about it... You could however run the water from a run that big through 5 gal bags if you can strain the ice and plant matter before pouring the water through your bags, otherwise that amount WILL NOT FIT and would be ridiculously hard to work with considering how heavy it would be... You need a zipcro filter bag to hold the material inside the cement mixer.


Well-Known Member
I did to one run with 4 oz popcorn and I could double that easily. I layer the trim in a five gallon bucket ice,trim,ice,trim etc and add just enough ice cold water that the trim is submerged and let it soak for 20 min. I also only fill the bucket half way so that it fits in my bags. So far so good no green in the first run at all.

I would like to add pics but don't know how to upload from my iPad.


Well-Known Member
Dont run 1000 grams if your pouring from the mixer into a 5 gal work bag!!! That will be WAY WAY too much material considering your already talking about adding 5 gal of ice that would also have to fit in the work bag along with your material... think about it... You could however run the water from a run that big through 5 gal bags if you can strain the ice and plant matter before pouring the water through your bags, otherwise that amount WILL NOT FIT and would be ridiculously hard to work with considering how heavy it would be... You need a zipcro filter bag to hold the material inside the cement mixer.
You are right, in a moment of insanity, I slipped a decimal place. We only run about 100 grams maximum.


Well-Known Member
The harbor freight mini cement mixer worked awesome. I ran two batches with the popcorn, 4oz and 5oz, and ended up with 35 grams of grade a hash from the 45 bag and some 120 and 25 hash for cooking. I did not run the trim because I wanted to see how it came out. The mixer is a gentle tumbling at about 20 to 30 rpms and does not beat up the plant material. So all in all the $120 mixer works great....