How much does you 600w HPS cost to run?


Active Member

just wondering how much peeps are paying?

im on a meter so it will be interesting to find out soon as i have just turned my light on.

thinkin of gettin a digital ballast too...are these worth it? they are supposed to be cheaper to run.
my boy calculated and supposedly it ups the bill like 65$ a month, its easy to fig just gotta fig how much a watt of energy goes for in your town and just multiply it out by ur times
Total Annual
kWh: 1080 AnnualCost: $83.16 MonthlyAvg: $6.93 sorry put in wrong numbers thats a 600 w on 12 hrs a day in tennesee
I am running a 600W HPS light right now on my first grow and my electric bill went up about $20 a month. Thats includes the light , fans,pump , etc.
electricity where I live is super cheap, so the 600 only costs me 27 cents a day for 12/12. 3200 watts costs about $70 a month.
Any chance of where to look for local kwh per hour?
I live in Las Vegas, NV (USA) and kinda stressed out I won't be able to pay that electric bill.
I'll be using a 600w Metal Halide for veg for 18/6...
Any help would greatly be appreciated! D:
It depends on what you pay per KwH. You can bet it's going to be $15-$25 per month.

Here is the math: Monthly cost=(wattage/1000)*Kwh rate*running hours per day*30

(600/1000)*10 cents*12 hours/day*30 days/month= 2160 cents per month or $21.60
What if your running 600hps in day time .12 pm to 12 am . Cost me a 100$ a month last run .
What if your running 600hps in day time .12 pm to 12 am . Cost me a 100$ a month last run .

I think sometimes a Kwh may be more expensive during the day as compared to the night but ultimately the math is the same for you to do your own calculation.
What if your running 600hps in day time .12 pm to 12 am . Cost me a 100$ a month last run .

No it didn't. The cost to run a 600 on average will be around 25 bucks a month. Some people see the bill go up fifty or hundred dollars and just assume it must be the light they just plugged in when in truth they used 75 dollars more electricity around the house and the light added only 25 of that. Or they are not factoring for added fans, side lighting, etc.

In Hawaii, the most expensive electricity in the us, averages at .38 cents pkh costing approx. 2.80 per day which is about 84 dollars per month. So it's likely to cost you about 25 poet month. If you're in a state with high electric costs maybe 40 a month. The average kWh across the us is about .12 which would cost around .84 cents per day.
As already stated, take your cost per kwh from your electric bill. For example mine is 7 cents per kwh. Now lets figure you run the 600w 12 hours a day by 30 days in a month. That's 216,000 watts used, now divide by 1,000 because that's how many watts go into one kilowatt. So 216kw used, now multiply by cost per kw, mine .07 so it would cost me $15.12

600*hours per day*days/1,000*kwh cost

Pennies on the dollar for what you could grow with 600w's!

The average revenue per kilowatthour figures increased in 31 states, plus the District of Columbia, in October compared to last year. The states experiencing the highest year-over-year percentage increases were Rhode Island (up 13%), West Virginia (up 11%), and Massachusetts (up 9%). On the negative side of the ledger, 19 states had average revenues fall relative to last year. Hawaii once again saw a large decrease in average revenues per kilowatthour, falling by 24% compared to October 2014, as plunging oil prices drove down rates in a state dominated by oil-fired generation. Hawaii's 25.11 cents average revenue per kilowatthour for October was also its lowest monthly average since October 2010. Nevada (down 8%) and Texas (down 7%), meanwhile, also saw average revenues per kilowatthour drop significantly. ...

this is a good link too:
So 216kw used, now multiply by cost per kw, mine .07 so it would cost me $15.12

600*hours per day*days/1,000*kwh cost

Pennies on the dollar for what you could grow with 600w's!

Fuck I'm expensive at 16 (usa cents) per 'K' hour or 216 Kwh x 16.c = $34.56 per 600w bulb

not including tax
Well yes it's other things to factor .4 smart TV's ps4 xbox1.3 . Other things making the tier higher .making it more expensive to run . I'm peak ours the day no electricity company wants us running in those hours
I know mine was 100$ in top of normal bill . It could be my digital ballast is not efficient? Got my stuff free for helping friends out . It's a legit light though
Kershivo is from the UK guys. I run a 600hps through a digi ballast 12 hours a day and a 150 cfl 24 hours a day. I put £130 on a month and it.covers that plus my heating (no gas) cooking and tv. Hope that's a little helpful